This is the output of my repl session.
BTW Sorry about the formatting – WordPress handling of code is poor.
They say they preserve the formatting, but they clearly don’t. The code block below is verbatim what’s in the linked Solution file above.
Well you can see how well they preserve the formatting below.
10 ; 10 (+ 5 3 4) ; 12 (- 9 1) ; 8 (/ 6 2) ; 3 (+ (* 2 4) (- 4 6)) ; 6 (define a 3) (define b (+ a 1)) (+ a b (* a b)) ; 19 (= a b) ; #f (if (and (> b a) (<b> b a) b a)) ; 6 (* (cond ((> a b) a) ((< a b) b) (else -1)) (+ a 1)) ; 16