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Decade.png 2000s: )    Year.png 2006 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust.jpg
A notorious cocaine bust which helped to expose CIA drug trafficking.
A year of continued escalation of the "war on terror" narrative and money disbursed to "counter-terrorists". The Institute for Statecraft was founded, later a prominent UK deep state faction.

2006 was a year of continued escalation of the "war on terror" narrative and spending on "counter-terrorists". The "Liquid bomb plot" was used to globally on passengers carrying liquids in hand luggage. A technical failure combined with lack a surplus of integrity by public officials to create 'Cocaine 1', the story of a CIA cargo plane which landed in Mexico, full of cocaine. This was to be supplemented the next year by the Yucatan Gulfstream drug crash of another CIA plane used for both "extraordinary rendition" and drug trafficking.

Deep state

Institute for Statecraft

Full article: Rated 5/5 Institute for Statecraft
Institute for Statecraft logo.png

In November 2006 Chris Donnelly and Lesley Simm co-founded the Institute for Statecraft, an important London-based organ in the UK deep state. Members would go on to take part in events such as Security and Defence Learning/2010 on the dangers of "terrorism" and set up groups such as the "Integrity Initiative" which focused on "countering Russian disinformation".


2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust

Full article: Rated 5/5 2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust
The DC-9 which landed in Cancun, Mexico

On April 10, 2006 an aging DC-9 controlled by the CIA, made an emergency landing at Cancun International Airport, Mexico. Earlier used for "extraordinary rendition"[1][2][3] it was painted to impersonate a US government plane, and found to be carrying 5½ tonnes of cocaine. Within days, the pilot (whose name was never released) had disappeared along with the cocaine, and the plane had been sold to an unnamed Venezuelan. No charges were filed against anyone but the Director of Civil Aviation in the Yucatan was assassinated, and an air traffic controller was abducted, presumed murdered.

"War on terror"

Full article: War on terror
The "2006 Counter Terror World Summit", attended by a number of "terror experts" who were "focused on strengthening state security and combating international terrorism."

The supranational deep state continued to escalate and broaden the "war on terror". The second point on the leaked agenda of the 2006 Bilderberg included "Terrorist Movements in the Middle East". Although internet connectivity was increasingly offering alternative information, the effects were only gradually felt. Public awareness of the nature of "counter terrorism" remained low, reflecting the continued influence of the commercially-controlled media.

Liquid bomb plot

Liquid bomb plot.jpg
Full article: Liquid bomb plot

A purported plan was published[By whom?] to bomb an aircraft using an explosive made from liquids. This was termed the Liquid bomb plot, and it was used to introduce restrictions on liquids brought on aircraft. The science behind this has been questioned by various commentators[4][5] but it has been cited as the explanation for restrictions on the carrying of liquids on aircraft, a measure which Bruce Schneier dismissed as "security theater".



Al-Yamamah arms dealSeptember 1985August 2006A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda8 November 199431 December 2016
Saville Inquiry199824 March 2010An investigation into Bloody Sunday which left 14 people dead.
TOPOFF20002009A series of week long "counter-terrorism" exercises
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Saifullah Paracha v. George W. Bush8 December 200418 November 2008A habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of a prisoner of Guantanamo Bay.
Al-Salam weapons deal21 December 20052017A large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Asylum seekers with apathetic refugee children20062006Political controversy in Sweden
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot20069 August 2006The 'liquid bomb plot' after which tight restrictions were introduced for passengers aboard commercial flights.
Israel/Defense Forces/T-shirt affair2006Unremarked for at least 3 years before becoming common knowledge and condemned world-wide in 2009, IDF soldiers were wearing bad taste T-shirts about murder.
Operation Shady RAT2006=US accusations of a Chinese cyber attack on athletic oversight organizations
Brussels Forum/200620062006Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.
Herzliya Conference/200621 January 200624 January 2006A 2006 conference on Israeli security needs.
WEF/Annual Meeting/200625 January 200629 January 2006Both former US president Bill Clinton and Bill Gates pushed for public-private partnerships. Only a few of the over 2000 participants are known.
2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust10 April 200610 April 2006A DC-9 made an emergency landing and was found to be containing over 5 tonnes of cocaine. The pilot "disappeared", unnamed, and the plane was deregistered and sold within days to an unknown customer in Venezuela.
Bilderberg/20068 June 200611 June 200654th Bilderberg, held in Canada. 133 guests
2006 Lebanon War12 July 200614 August 2006
Liquid bomb plotAugust 2006August 2006
Security and Defence Learning/200629 November 200629 November 20062nd of a series of 8 spooky conferences
2006 Counter Terror World Summit5 December 20066 December 2006Bunch of "counter-terrorists" who met in London 2006
Le Cercle/2006 (Delhi)7 December 200611 December 2006Unusually far from Europe and the US
21st Century Hasbara conference17 December 200618 December 2006A conference held as part of the Herzliya Conference


New Groups

European Gendarmerie ForceArms of the European Gendarmerie Force.pngAn operational, pre-organised, and rapidly deployable EU intervention force with military status - meaning mysterious foreign-speaking troops with no local connections are used to crush unrest.
Syrian Observatory for Human RightsSOHR.pngA UK-based information office that has focused since 2011 on the Syrian civil war and is frequently quoted by major Western news media.
LS AdvisorsGroup.png
Pirate PartyGroup.pngFocused on reforming (or abolishing) copyright law and patents.
PantheraPanthera Corporation logo.pngConservationist NGO accused of being a secret regime change operator against Iran.
Logic IndustriesLogic Industries.pngSecretive company founded by the Israeli-born billionaire spook/businessman Mati Kochavi, reported to produce security software.
STTEPGroup.pngPrivate Military CompanyApartheid-era SADF personnel working throughout Africa
Council on Global TerrorismGroup.png
East Asia ForumEast Asia Forum logo.pngAsia Pacific region analysis, mostly with predictable Western outlook.
The Heartland InstituteHeartland Institute Logo.pngThink tank
LSE/POLISGroup.pngThink tank
Institute for National Security StudiesInstitute for National Security Studies (Israel).jpgThink tank
Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting ProjectOrganised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.pngInternational non-governmental organisationIntegrity Initiative connected group
Democracy InstituteGroup.pngThink tank
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects ActivityIntelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity logo.pngA scarier version of DARPA
New Culture ForumGroup.pngThink tank
Shalem CenterShalem Center.jpgThink tank
Public Diplomacy BoardGroup.pngSet up in 2006, with an explicit alignment between public diplomacy work and government goals.
Expert Group on Violent RadicalisationGroup.pngFront group set up by the European Commission in 2006.
National Security Whistleblowers Coalition/Dirty DozenDirty Dozen.png
910 Group910 Group.jpg
Counter Terrorism CommandCounter Terrorism Command.jpg
Institute for StatecraftInstitute for Statecraft logo.pngThe UK MoD/FCO funded group that ran the ironically named Integrity Initiative, exposed in 2018 by 'Anonymous' as an organ of the UK/Deep state
BARDAGroup.pngResponsible for bioterrorism "medical countermeasures" (i.e. the actual biological weapons, like "vaccines")


New Websites

UK ColumnUK Column.pnghttp://www.ukcolumn.orgAn independent media source based in UK.
Terror Finance BlogTerrorFinanceBlog.pnghttp://www.terrorfinanceblog.com
Black Agenda ReportBlackagendareport.jpeghttps://blackagendareport.com/Independent media outlet with a black American left-wing angle. Covers deep politics.
XX logo 2023.svghttps://twitter.comTwitter is a social media service.
Al Akhbar EnglishAlakhbarenglish.pnghttp://english.al-akhbar.com/A Lebanese-based daily newspaper
WikileaksWL Hour Glass.pnghttp://www.Wikileaks.orgInternationally famous leaks site that has published millions of classified and other documents.
Christopher Bollyn's Web siteBollyn-header.pnghttp://www.bollyn.com/home/Articles, publications and commentary by Christopher Bollyn, including most of his output originally published in 'The American Freepress' and elsewhere since 2001.
ConservapediaConservapedia.pnghttps://conservapedia.com/ConservapediaOnline encyclopedia with a conservative point of view.


Groups that were Wound Up

World Confederation of LabourWorld Confederation of Labour.svg
International Confederation of Free Trade UnionsICFTU logo.svg
National Criminal Intelligence ServiceGroup.png
Project for the New American CenturyGroup.pngPublic policy think tank
Public Diplomacy Strategy BoardGroup.pngThe predecessor of the UK propagandist Public Diplomacy Board.




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Pham Xuan An19272006Spook
A Vietnamese journalist for Time magazine who spied for the US.
Philip Mishon23 March 1924January 2006
Frank Cary14 December 19201 January 2006Connecticut
Deep state operative
Bilderberg Steering Committee, attended the 1978 Bilderberg as IBM CEO
Paul Garbler4 January 19182006SpookUS senior spook with career problems after being suspected by Jim Angleton, but a decade later cleared.
Merlyn Rees18 December 19205 January 2006London
Deep state operative
A UK home secretary who spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism.
Tony Banks8 April 19428 January 2006
Anton Rupert4 October 191618 January 2006South Africa
Western Cape
South African billionaire businessman with a multitude of deep political connections
Elma Dangerfield11 October 190722 January 2006Author
British journalist and Liberal Party politician. She also was an intelligence operative during and after World War 2, working especially with Eastern European exiles.
John Overbey1920February 2006Spook
Lifelong friend of GHWB
Giovanni Scaglia27 September 191016 February 2006Italy
"The pictures from Italy"
PoliticianItalian politician for the Christian Democratic party who attended the 1964 Bilderberg meeting.
Jacques Baumel6 March 191817 February 2006France
French Gaullist politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1963 to 1967
Paul Marcinkus15 January 192220 February 2006US
Sun City
Deep state actor
Led the Vatican Bank for many years, connected to several mysterious deaths, including Pope John Paul I.
Lenny Patrick6 October 19131 March 2006Criminal
Gilbert SteinerMay 1924March 2006Washington DCAcademic
Simon Nora21 February 19215 March 2006France
CancerLe Siècle/President 1985-87, 1972 Bilderberg
John Profumo30 January 19159 March 2006London
South Kensington
John Profumo was a Conservative politician best known for being forced to resign as Minister for War as a result of a 1963 scandal involving a prostitute.
Slobodan Milošević20 August 194111 March 2006Netherlands
The Hague
Former President of Serbia who died in custody, preempting his trial
Alex Rosen190615 March 2006Police officerClose collaborator of J Edgar Hoover. Probably a major organizer of the Cointelpro program.
G. William Miller9 March 192517 March 2006United States
Washington DC
Chair of the Federal Reserve in the 1970s
Michael Zebuhr18 March 2006Gunshot9-11/Premature death
John Carbaugh194519 March 2006US
Cleveland Clinic
Arms Dealer
Deep state functionary
Cercle attendee linked to political double dealing, arms deals and Iran-Contra.
Nick Sinclair-Brown4 November 194923 March 2006Academic
Brayton Wilbur2 October 193524 March 2006BusinesspersonBilderberg businessman
Rudolf Vrba11 September 192427 March 2006Author
"Rudolf Vrba had very good reasons to hate the Zionist Movement"<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Caspar Weinberger18 August 191728 March 2006United States
Deep state operativeUS Deep state operative whom GHWB pardoned as part of the cover-up of "Iran Contra"
Margaret Carlisle28 March 2006Spook
Deep state operative
Legislative aide to Iran-contra insider, James McClure. Le Cercle
Gilles Martinet8 August 191629 March 2006Journalist
French politician, TLC, attended the 1971 Bilderberg
Oswald Aeppli13 May 19161 April 2006BankerDouble Bilderberger Swiss banker who was "cleared by his fellow directors of any blame in the [Chiasso] case"
Denis Donaldson19504 April 2006County DonegalGunshotSpookSinn Féin member exposed in December 2005 as an MI5 employee. Assassinated in 2006.
Lawrence Kermit White10 June 19125 April 2006Spook
Wilhelm Stäglich11 November 19165 April 2006Historical revisionWorld war II army officer,judge, historian and important revisionist writer
John K. Galbraith15 October 190829 April 2006United States
US economist
Jean-François Revel19 January 192430 April 2006Journalist
Public intellectual
Umberto Colombo20 December 192713 May 2006RomeAcademic
Energy expert and manager who attended the 1972 Bilderberg. Trilateral Commission. Club of Rome.
Sherman Skolnick13 July 193021 May 2006Chicago
Heart attackAuthor
US deep state researcher
Lloyd Bentsen11 February 192123 May 2006Texas
Politician5 time Bilderberger US Treasury Secretary
Rey Rivera10 June 197324 May 2006BaltimoreMurder
Feyo Sickinghe1 May 19268 June 2006IndustrialistDutch industrialist
Otto Tidemand18 June 192110 June 2006Politician
Deep state operative
Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee, ...
Sakari Lehto26 December 192330 June 2006Finland
Finnish business lobbyist who attended the 1973 Bilderberg conference. Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade 1975-76. First chairman of the Finland committee of the Club of Rome.
Edward S. Hamilton21 March 191730 June 2006Spook
Kenneth Lay15 April 19425 July 2006United States
Shamil Basayev14 January 196510 July 2006Russia
Robert Mardian23 October 192317 July 2006California
San Clemente
Deep state functionaryUnited States Republican party official who worked in the administration of Richard Nixon, and was indicted in the Watergate scandal.
Rolf Hansen23 July 192026 July 2006PoliticianAs Norway's Minister of Defence, he kept a lid on Operation Gladio. Attended the 1978 Bilderberg when he was considered for future PM
Murray Bookchin14 January 192130 July 2006Vermont
Philosopher who founded the social ecology movement
Mervyn Wood30 April 191719 August 2006Police officer
NSW Police Commissioner with rowing partner who became an international drug smuggler implicated in the CIA's Nugan Hand Bank.
Rainer Barzel20 June 192426 August 2006Munich
PoliticianGerman politician who attended the 1965 Bilderberg
Alfred Sherman10 November 191926 August 2006London
neoliberal activist best known working with Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph.
Tage Andersen18 March 192731 August 2006BankerDanish banker who attended 7 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
... further results
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  1. Y estrenan avión... decomisado Abel Barajas. Reforma. Mexico City: Dec 24, 2006. pg. 1
  2. Utilizan avión incautado Palabra. Saltillo, Mexico: Apr 11, 2007. pg. 16
  3. http://www.edinavtn.co.uk/assets/files/PDFs/DC9.pdf
  4. https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/04/the_liquid_bomb.html
  5. http://www.voltairenet.org/article143264.html