Category:Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the United Kingdom. See also the categories Honorary Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Female fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 593 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page).
- Claire Adjiman
- Povl Ahm
- Haroon Ahmed
- Robert Anthony Ainsworth
- Michael Alcock
- Igor Aleksander
- Jade Alglave
- Geoffrey Allen (chemist)
- Julian Allwood
- Nicholas Ambraseys
- Ross J. Anderson
- Norman Apsley
- John Stuart Archer
- John Armitt
- Frances Arnold
- V. S. R. Arunachalam
- Saritha Arunkumar
- Eric Ash
- Paul Atherton (entrepreneur)
- Helen Atkinson
- Jane Atkinson
- Robert Atkinson (businessman)
- Nadine Aubry
- Adisa Azapagic
- Francis Thomas Bacon
- AbuBakr Bahaj
- John Vernon Bartlett
- Polina Bayvel
- Patrick Bellew
- Ralph Benjamin
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Anthony Best
- Serena Best
- Gordon Beveridge
- John Beynon (academic)
- Harshad Bhadeshia
- Joel S. Birnbaum
- Alan W. Bishop
- Christopher Bishop
- Andrew Blake (computer scientist)
- Simon Bollom
- Malcolm Bolton
- Dawn Bonfield
- Peter Bonfield (engineer)
- Peter Bonfield
- William Bonfield
- René de Borst
- Bob Boucher (educator)
- David Braben
- Michael Brady (biomedical engineer)
- P. L. Thibaut Brian
- John Bridgwater
- Malcolm Brinded
- Alec Broers, Baron Broers
- Julia King, Baroness Brown of Cambridge
- John Browne, Baron Browne of Madingley
- Jayne Bryant (engineer)
- George W. Buckley
- Alan Bundy
- Michael Burdekin
- Carol Burke
- John Burland
- Alan Burns (computer scientist)
- Ursula Burns
- James Busfield
- Will Butler-Adams
- Byron Byrne
- Robin Inskip, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
- Muffy Calder
- Peter Calder
- Christopher Calladine
- Ruth Cameron (scientist)
- Peter Campbell (engineer)
- Brian Cantor
- David Cardwell
- Tristram Carfrae
- Mark Carne
- Cynthia Carroll
- Jacqueline Castle
- Chan Nai-keong
- Suranga Chandratillake
- Ian Chapman (physicist)
- Mandy Chessell
- Dawn Childs
- Henry Chilver, Baron Chilver
- John Chisholm (engineer)
- Derman Christopherson
- Chung Sze-yuen
- Roberto Cipolla
- Leslie Clark (engineer)
- Peter Clarricoats
- David Cleevely
- Roland Clift
- Naomi Climer
- Arthur Roderick Collar
- John G. Collier
- Paul Collier (physicist)
- Iain Conn
- Patricia Connolly
- Byron Cook (computer scientist)
- Ted Cooke-Yarborough
- Joan Cordiner
- E. C. B. Corlett
- Wilfred Corrigan
- Mike Cottell
- Andy Cowell
- Steven Cowley
- Mike Cowlishaw
- Peter Arthur Cox
- Roy Crawford
- Alexander Lamb Cullen
- John Cullen (chemical engineer)
- David Robert Sime Cumming
- Mark Cutifani
- Richard Darton
- Ara Darzi, Baron Darzi of Denham
- John Daugman
- John Davidson (chemical engineer)
- Brian Davies (engineer)
- David Davies (electrical engineer)
- Giles Davies
- Graeme Davies
- Stuart Davies (engineer)
- Claire Davis
- John Anthony Derrington
- Michael Dickson (engineer)
- Daniele Dini
- Mischa Dohler
- Richard Dolby
- Donald John Miller
- James Dooge
- Peter Dowd (academic)
- Ann Dowling
- Duncan Dowson
- Judith Driscoll
- John Duckworth (physicist)
- Peter Thomas Dunican
- Fionn Dunne
- Peter Dunnill
- Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte
- Joseph Dwyer (engineer)
- James Dyson
- Suzanne Farid
- Roger Falconer
- Alfonso Farina
- Richard Feachem
- Bob Feilden
- Ian Fells
- Andrea C. Ferrari
- John Ffowcs Williams
- Elspeth Finch
- Anthony Finkelstein
- Ludwik Finkelstein
- John Fisher (biomedical engineer)
- Tony Fitzpatrick (engineer)
- Norman Fleck
- Peter J. Fleming
- John Fozard
- Rosemary Francis
- William Francis (civil engineer)
- Derek Fray
- Richard Friend
- Hannah Fry
- Steve Furber
- Peter Gadsden
- James Anthony Gaffney
- Pratibha Gai
- Ed Gallagher (scientist)
- Philippa Gardner
- Andrew Garrad
- John Garside
- Alice Gast
- Peter Gershon
- Carlos Ghosn
- Nigel Gilbert
- Lynn Gladden
- Keith Glover
- Mike Glover (engineer)
- Carole Goble
- Patrick Godfrey (engineer)
- Andrea Goldsmith (engineer)
- Sean Gong
- Peter Goodhew
- Susan Gourvenec
- David Grant (engineer)
- Peter Mitchell Grant