Augusta University - Spring 2022 Senior Capstone Project
Group members:
Step 1: Installation
Clone the repository, or simply download and unzip it to the directory of your choosing.
Step 2: Startup
In the installation folder, open startup.bat ー this will open the web server the background, and then it will open the web app in your default browser.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The web server runs as a background process (nginx.exe). If it is running, you should see it in the task manager. The web server also require another process, called php-cgi.exe, to process php files. DO NOT shut down the web server or close php-cgi until you are done, as you will need to restart the server, and doing so will reset your progress.
Step 3: Usage
Follow the instructions in the user manual.
Step 4: Closing the web server
Simply enter yes in the prompt to shut down the server, or run shutdown.bat, and the web server will shut down immediately. You may now close php-cgi.exe. Restarting the webserver is as simple as opening startup.bat again, but note that it will reset the database automatically when you do.