Language Analysis
This page describes some of the language-specific analysis components available in Solr. These components can be used to improve search results for specific languages.
Please look at AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters for other analysis components you can use in combination with these components.
NOTE: This page is mostly obsolete. The Solr Example now contains configurations for various languages as fieldTypes (text_XX). This is synchronized with the support from Lucene.
By language
Solr provides support for the Light-10 stemming algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
This algorithm defines both character normalization and stemming, so these are split into two filters to provide more flexibility.
... <filter class="solr.ArabicNormalizationFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.ArabicStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Arabic stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming Armenian via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Armenian" /> ...
Example set of Armenian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming Basque via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Basque" /> ...
Example set of Basque stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Brazilian Portuguese
Solr includes a modified version of the Snowball Portuguese algorithm for Brazilian Portuguese, and Lucene includes an example stopword list. This stemmer handles diacritical marks differently than the European Portuguese stemmer.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.BrazilianStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Brazilian Portuguese stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes a light stemmer for Bulgarian, following this algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.BulgarianStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Bulgarian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming Catalan via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Catalan" /> ...
Example set of Catalan stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Lucene provides support for these languages with CJKTokenizer, which indexes bigrams and does some character folding of full-width forms.
<tokenizer class="solr.CJKTokenizerFactory"/> ...
Solr3.1 Alternatively, for Simplified Chinese, Solr provides support for Chinese word segmentation
in the analysis-extras contrib module. This component includes a large dictionary and segments Chinese text into words with the Hidden Markov Model. To use this filter, see solr/contrib/analysis-extras/README.txt for instructions on which jars you need to add to your SOLR_HOME/lib
To use the default setup with fallback to English Porter stemmer for english words, use:
<analyzer class=""/>
Or to configure your own analysis setup, use the SmartChineseSentenceTokenizerFactory along with your custom filter setup. The sentence tokenizer tokenizes on sentence boundaries and the SmartChineseWordTokenFilter breaks this further up into words.
<analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.SmartChineseSentenceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SmartChineseWordTokenFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.PositionFilterFactory" /> </analyzer>
Note: Be sure to use PositionFilter at query-time (only) as these languages do not use spaces between words.
Solr includes a light stemmer for Czech, following this algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.CzechStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Czech stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8))
Solr includes support for stemming Danish via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Danish" /> ...
Example set of Danish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Solr includes two stemmers for Dutch via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Dutch" /> ...
An alternative stemmer (Kraaij-Pohlmann) can be used by specifying the language as "Kp".
Example set of Dutch stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Solr includes three stemmers for English: the original Porter stemmer via solr.PorterStemFilterFactory
, the Porter2 stemmer via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and a plural-only stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list from the snowball project.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Note: The standard
is significantly faster than solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
Larger example set English stopwords
Solr includes two stemmers for Finnish: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Finnish" /> ...
Example set of Finnish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Note: The Snowball stemmer for Finnish has known bugs, due to a bug in snowball itself
Solr includes three stemmers for French: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
, and an even less aggressive approach Solr3.1 via
. Solr can also removing elisions via solr.ElisionFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory"/> <!-- do word delimiter, etc here --> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="French" /> ...
Example set of French stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: Its probably best to use the ElisionFilter before WordDelimiterFilter. This will prevent very slow phrase queries.
Solr includes a stemmer for Galician following this algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.GalicianStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Galician stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming German with five different algorithms: two via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, one via solr.GermanStemFilterFactory
, a lightweight stemmer Solr3.1 via
, and an even less aggressive approach Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
With the solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
you can supply two different language attributes: "German" and "German2". German2 is just a modified version of German that handles the umlaut characters differently: for example it treats "ü" as "ue" in most contexsts.
The solr.GermanStemFilterFactory
instead uses a different algorithm.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="German2" /> ...
Example set of German stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Solr includes support for stemming Greek following this algorithm Solr3.1, as well as support for case/diacritics-insensitive search via
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.GreekStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Greek stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: Be sure to use the Greek-specific GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory
... <tokenizer class="solr.ICUTokenizerFactory"/> ...
Example set of Hebrew stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming Hindi following this algorithm, support for common spelling differences via solr.HindiNormalizationFilterFactory
following this algorithm, support for encoding differences via solr.IndicNormalizationFilterFactory
following this algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.IndicNormalizationFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.HindiNormalizationFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.HindiStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Hindi stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes two stemmers for Hungarian: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Hungarian" /> ...
Example set of Hungarian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Solr includes support for stemming Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) following this algorithm, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
You can set the stemDerivational attribute to false to only stem inflectional suffixes, for a lighter approach.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.IndonesianStemFilterFactory" stemDerivational="true" /> ...
Example set of Indonesian stopwords
Solr includes two stemmers for Italian: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Italian" /> ...
Example set of Italian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Lao, Myanmar, Khmer
Lucene provides support for segmenting these languages into syllables with solr.ICUTokenizerFactory
in the analysis-extras contrib module. To use this tokenizer, see solr/contrib/analysis-extras/README.txt for instructions on which jars you need to add to your SOLR_HOME/lib
Note: Be sure to use PositionFilter at query-time (only) as these languages do not use spaces between words.
Solr includes support for stemming Norwegian via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list. Since Solr3.6 you can also use
for a lighter variant or solr.NorwegianMinimalStemFilterFactory
attempting to normalize plural endings only. These two are simple rule based stemmers, not handing exceptions or irregular forms.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Norwegian" /> ...
Example set of Norwegian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Persian / Farsi
Solr includes support for normalizing Persian via solr.PersianNormalizationFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.ArabicNormalizationFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.PersianNormalizationFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Persian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: WordDelimiterFilter does not split on joiners by default. You can solve this by using ArabicLetterTokenizerFactory, which does, or by using a custom WordDelimiterFilterFactory which supplies a customized charTypeTable to WordDelimiterFilter. In either case, consider using PositionFilter at query-time (only), as the QueryParser does not consider joiners and could create unwanted phrase queries.
Lucene provides support for Polish stemming solr.StempelPolishStemFilterFactory
in the analysis-extras contrib module. This component includes an algorithmic stemmer with tables for Polish. To use this filter, see solr/contrib/analysis-extras/README.txt for instructions on which jars you need to add to your SOLR_HOME/lib
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.solr.StempelPolishStemFilterFactory"/> ...
Example set of Polish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes four stemmers for Portuguese: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
, a lighter stemmer Solr3.1 via
, and an even less aggressive approach Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Portuguese" /> ...
Example set of Portuguese stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes support for stemming Romanian via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Romanian" /> ...
Example set of Romanian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes two stemmers for Russian: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Russian" /> ...
Example set of Russian stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes two stemmers for Spanish: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Spanish" /> ...
Example set of Spanish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Solr includes two stemmers for Swedish: one via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, and an alternative stemmer Solr3.1 via
. Lucene includes an example stopword list.
... <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Swedish" /> ...
Example set of Swedish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: See also
Solr includes support for breaking Thai text into words via solr.ThaiWordFilterFactory
... <filter class="solr.ThaiWordFilterFactory"/> ...
Note: Be sure to use PositionFilter at query-time (only) as this language does not use spaces between words.
Solr includes support for stemming Turkish via solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
, as well as support for case-insensitive search via solr.TurkishLowerCaseFilterFactory
Solr3.1, and Lucene includes an example stopword list.
Solr4.8 includes
for apostrophe handling suitable for Turkish.
… <filter class="solr.ApostropheFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.TurkishLowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Turkish" /> ...
Example set of Turkish stopwords (Be sure to switch your browser encoding to UTF-8)
Note: Be sure to use the Turkish-specific TurkishLowerCaseFilterFactory
My language is not listed!!!
Your language might work anyway. A first step is to start with the "textgen" type in the example schema. Remember, things like stemming and stopwords aren't mandatory for the search to work, only optional language-specific improvements.
If you have problems (your language is highly-inflectional, etc), you might want to try using an n-gram approach as an alternative.
Other Tips
In general most languages don't require special tokenization (and will work just fine with Whitespace + WordDelimiterFilter), so you can safely tailor the English "text" example schema definition to fit.
Ignoring Case
In most cases LowerCaseFilterFactory is sufficient. However, some languages have special casing properties, and these have their own filters:
- TurkishLowerCaseFilterFactory: Use this instead of LowerCaseFilterFactory for the Turkish language. It includes special handling for dotted and dotless I.
- GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory: Use this instead of LowerCaseFilterFactory for the Greek language. It removes Greek diacritics and has special handling for the Greek final sigma.
Ignoring Diacritics
Some languages use diacritics, but people are not always consistent about typing them in queries or documents.
If you are using a stemmer, most stemmers (especially Snowball stemmers) are a bit forgiving about diacritics, and these are handled on a language-specific basis.
For Latin-script writing systems, you can remove all diacritics with ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory. But this might not be the best approach for your language, for example you may want ü to match to ue for German. In this case it is better to not use ASCIIFoldingFilter before stemming, but instead to use the "German2" stemmer first, which has language-specific handling for this case.
For some languages in non-Latin writing systems (Arabic, Greek, Hindi, Persian), there are filters to support the idea of "diacritics-insensitive search" already included in Solr. These filters are described above under the relevant languages.
For other languages, the ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory won't do the foldings that you need. One solution is to use solr.analysis.ICUFoldingFilterFactory
similar idea], which implements a [ across all of Unicode
Stopwords affect Solr in three ways: relevance, performance, and resource utilization.
From a relevance perspective, these extremely high-frequency terms tend to throw off the scoring algorithm, and you won't get very good results if you leave them. At the same time, if you remove them, you can return bad results when the stopword is actually important.
From a performance perspective, if you keep stopwords, some queries (especially phrase queries) can be very slow.
From a resource utilization perspective, if you keep stopwords, the index is much larger than if you remove them.
One tradeoff you can make if you have the disk space: You can use CommonGramsFilter CommonGramsQueryFilter instead of StopFilter. This solves the relevance and performance problems, at the expense of even more resource utilization, because it will form bigrams of stopwords to their adjacent words.
Stemming can help improve relevance, but it can also hurt.
There is no general rule for whether or not to stem: It depends not only on the language, but also on the properties of your documents and queries.
Lucene/Solr provides different stemmers, and for some languages you may have multiple choices. Some are algorithmic based, others are dictionary based.
The Snowball stemmers rely on algorithms and considered fairly aggressive, but for many languages (see above) Solr provides alternatives that are less aggressive. In many situations a lighter approach yields better relevance: often "less is more". The light stemmers typically target the most common noun/adjective inflections, and perhaps a few derivational suffixes. The minimal stemmers are even more conservative and may only remove plural endings. The new Hunspell stemmers are both dictionary and rule based and may provide a tighter stemming than Snowball for some languages.
In general, if the language is highly inflectional, its worth evaluating at least a light stemmer as it might bring a significant improvement. Or you may consider Hunspell which have advanced rules combined with dictionaries of legal stems. Some annoyances caused by stemming can then be handled with tuning: See CustomizingStemming
NOTE: If stemming does not give enough precision for your requirements you may consider lemmatization. No lemmatizers are included with Solr, but there exist lemmatizers both commercial and open source.
Notes about solr.HunspellStemFilterFactory
Solr3.5 The Hunspell stemmers are configured through the HunspellStemFilterFactory combined with a dictionary and an affix file. Hunspell supports 99 languages.
Notes about solr.PorterStemFilterFactory
Porter stemmer for the English language.
Standard Lucene implementation of the Porter Stemming Algorithm, a normalization process that removes common endings from words.
- Example: "riding", "rides", "horses" ==> "ride", "ride", "hors".
Note: This differs very slightly from the "Porter" algorithm available in solr.SnowballPorterFilter
, in that it deviates slightly from the published algorithm. For more details, see the section "Points of difference from the published algorithm" described here.
Porter is approximately twice as fast as using SnowballPorterFilterFactory.
Notes about solr.KStemFilterFactory
Solr3.3 KStem is an English language stemmer which is similar to Porter but less agressive, and thus often preferred.
KStem is considerably faster than SnowballPorterFilterFactory.
Notes about solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory
Creates org.apache.lucene.analysis.SnowballPorterFilter
Creates an Snowball stemmer from the Java classes generated from a Snowball specification. The language attribute is used to specify the language of the stemmer.
<fieldtype name="myfieldtype" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="German" /> </analyzer> </fieldtype>
Valid values for the language attribute (creates the snowball stemmer class language + "Stemmer"):
- Armenian
- Basque
- Catalan
- Danish
- Dutch
- Kp: The Kraaij-Pohlmann stemming algorithm for Dutch.
- Porter: The original Porter stemming algorithm for English.
- English: The Porter2 stemming algorithm for English.
- Lovins: The early Lovins stemming algorithm for English.
- Finnish
- French
- German
- German2: A variation of the German algorithm with handling to allow ä, ö and ü to be represented by ae, oe and ue
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Although the Lovins stemmer is described as faster than Porter/Porter2, practically it is much slower in Solr, as it is implemented using reflection.
- Neither the Lovins nor the Finnish stemmer produce correct output (as of Solr 1.4), due to a known bug in Snowball
- The Turkish stemmer requires special lowercasing. You should use TurkishLowerCaseFilter instead of LowerCaseFilter with this language. See background information.
- The stemmers are sensitive to diacritics. Think carefully before removing these with something like
before stemming, as this could cause unwanted results. For example,résumé
will not be stemmed by the Porter stemmer, butresume
will be stemmed toresum
, causing it to match withresumed
, etc. The differences can be more profound for non-english stemmers.
Customizing Stemming
Sometimes a stemmer might not do what you want out-of-box. For example, you might be happy with the results on average, but have a few particular cases (such as Product Names or similar) where it annoys you or actually hurts your search results.
The components below allow you to fine-tune the stemming process by preventing words from being stemmed at all, or by overriding the stemming algorithm with custom mappings.
Protects words from being modified by stemmers.
A customized protected word list may be specified with the "protected" attribute in the schema. Any words in the protected word list will not be modified by any stemmer in Solr.
A sample Solr protwords.txt with comments can be found in the Source Repository.
<fieldtype name="myfieldtype" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt" /> <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory" /> </analyzer> </fieldtype>
Overrides stemming algorithms, by applying a custom mapping, then protecting these terms from being modified by stemmers.
A customized mapping of words to stems, in a tab-separated file, can be specified to the "dictionary" attribute in the schema. Words in this mapping will be stemmed to the stems from the file, and will not be further changed by any stemmer.
A sample stemdict.txt with comments can be found in the Source Repository.
<fieldtype name="myfieldtype" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.StemmerOverrideFilterFactory" dictionary="stemdict.txt" /> <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory" /> </analyzer> </fieldtype>
Decompounding can improve search results for some languages. At the same time, it can increase the time it takes to index and search, as well as increase the index size itself.
Solr provides dictionary-based decompounding support via solr.DictionaryCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory. This factory allows you to provide a dictionary, along with some settings (min/max subword size, etc), to break compound words into pieces.
Additionally, you can use solr.HyphenationCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory. This factory uses a hyphenation grammar in combination with an optional dictionary to break compound words into pieces. Hyphenation grammars for a few languages can be found at the FOP XML Hyphenation Patterns site.
One alternative is to use n-gram tokenization so that the search is less sensitive to compound words.