The Dog Diaries is a Slice of life Webtoon Original created by yee seon; it updates every Tuesday. The original Korean Webtoon premiered on Naver.
Dana is a freelance illustrator who feels lonely and stressed out from working all day and doing little else. But this all changes when she is joined by a new four-legged friend: a small Pomeranian puppy called Myeongdong. This cute little pup shows her what unconditional love looks like, and Dana does her best to look after her new pal, too.
Last updated on July 12, 2021
- Ep.0 - Prologue
- Ep.1
- Ep.2
- Ep.3
- Ep.4
- Ep.5 (Fast Pass)
- Ep.6 (Fast Pass)
- Ep.7 (Fast Pass)
- Ep.8 (Fast Pass)
- Ep.9 (Fast Pass)