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Lady Knight is a Fantasy Webtoon Original created by Lion Illustration; it updates every Wednesday, but is currently on hiatus.


Aurora is a young orphan who lives in a peaceful abbey, taking care of the outcast that her country's inquisitorial regime leaves out. One night, she discovers that she is marked by a terrible curse and is recruited by an ancient order of knights to train at an elite academy, in order to learn how to control her dangerous abilities. As the first woman admitted in the academy, Aurora is not well received and will have to use all her wits to defeat her opponents in an extraordinary world, where she is even more unusual.



Aurora is a 17 year old orphan raised by the nuns from the abbey Del Valle, a congregation that helps those in need, specially the ones affected by the Inquisition's regime. Aurora has a very strong values of rectitude and morality, so, when she's recruited to join Adamar Gardens (the academy of chivalry and forbidden arts) to be trained as one of the king's cursed knights, she debates herself between what's good or bad on her path for helping others. Aurora is independent and confident, she knows very well her strengths and weaknesses, which makes her very effective on whatever task she puts her mind into. Although you would usually find her working to impossible standards all by herself, she's no stranger to long naps in the middle of the day.

later it's revealed she has the curse of manipulation placed upon her which allows her to bend other curses to her will or strengthen another person's curse


Gus is a sixteen year old boy who comes from one of the biggest cities in the country of Galberia, a southern location nearby a port were his traveling community has settled. His lifestyle has nothing to do with what's expected from him in the academy, but, since he has the curse mark, he's taken away from his family like the rest of cursed kids. Gus is a very charming guy. Easy to get along and very positive thinker. He can be extremely smart for the thinks that catch his eye but finds himself screwed in the sitting still and study department. His curse has an extremely rare quality which allows others to notice, but not himself... yet.

its revealed that the curse placed upon him is elevation but it only activates when hes not focused on it which is why everyone else knew what it was but not him until very recently


Galvan is a seventeen-year-old outcast from the northern mountains, a region of the kingdom where some people live out of the law and order established all around the country.

Like the other cursed, he joins the academy to learn to control his burden. A boy of not too many words, his mere presence in the school is a mystery for the rest of the pupils, who usually avoid him. But, since he made it out of the mountains alive, his abilities are rumored to be pretty impressive.

its shown his curse is lightning he can summon it and hurl it at foes but with his short temper makes it extra difficult for him because he needs inner peace to summon it and patience to control it or it'll destroy everything around him


Last updated on April 19, 2022
  • Ep.1: The Solstice Curse
  • Ep.2: Black Carriages in the Night
  • Ep.3: Adamar Gardens
  • Ep.4: Midnight Meetings
  • Ep.5: Warm Welcome
  • Ep.6: Change of Plans
  • Ep.7: Prince Charming
  • Ep.8: The Deal
  • Ep.9: Curse Control
  • Ep.10: The White Dove
  • Ep.11: Nightcrawler
  • Ep.12: Half a Coin
  • Ep.13: There's no We
  • Ep.14: The Prize
  • Ep.15: Swords and Thorns
  • Ep.16: The Storm
  • Ep.17: A New Path
  • Ep.18: The Secret
  • Ep.19: Genuine Alchemy
  • Ep.20: With Honours
  • Ep.21: The Miracle
  • Ep.22: Beseige
  • Ep.23: Departure
  • Ep.24: Into the Woods
  • Ep.25: Meiga
  • Ep.26: A Field full of Stars
  • Ep.27: Sacrifice
  • Ep.28: Silent
  • Ep.29: The End of the Road
  • Ep.30: Consequences
  • Ep.31: Hit like a Girl
  • Ep.32: Dance Couples
  • Ep.33: Lost and Found
  • Ep.34: The Beast
  • Ep.35: The Others
  • Ep.36: Day and Night
  • Ep.37: Me Too


