South Tyrol Soon

Coming up on 16th November:  SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy. While we wait for the details, here’s a reminder of what the place is like:


Update: The conference programme is now out, and I can confirm I’ll be speaking there. I’ve been several times and it’s always a delight to visit. They have open source deep in their culture – there’s even a local wine called “Perl”…

Perl Wine

✈ Behind the façade

The architect who designed this church in Venice (Chiesa di San Vidal) tried to hide the building behind it, but ordinary life goes on behind the façade. There’s an ice cream shop doing brisk business, and the apartments above the shop seem to have no relation to the huge church window on the façade.

So it is everywhere. Religious or secular, business or personal, male or female, gay or straight. No matter how impressive the façade, real life goes on behind it if you look. It has to.

✈ Gondola Yard

I was in Italy on business this week and as I was flying in and out of Venice airport had the chance to spend a half-day in Venice. It was foggy and damp, but still enjoyable to walk around for a while. While I was there I stumbled on the gondola maintenance yard. It had to be there in Venice somewhere, but I’d never seen it before. It was clearly a place that had been there for a very long time – since the 17th century, apparently.