Evan Prodromou at 2013-11-27T02:31:04Z
I've started the long-overdue task of moving all of the accounts on the remaining *.status.net sites from their StatusNet servers to a new pump.io server.
It requires taking them offline for a while, but they'll be redirecting to the new site soon.
It's exciting for me; it's going to be a rather large new node in the pump network.
It requires taking them offline for a while, but they'll be redirecting to the new site soon.
It's exciting for me; it's going to be a rather large new node in the pump network.
ostfriesenmärz , Mike Linksvayer , Ryan Weal , jpope like this.
X11R5 , Evan Prodromou shared this.
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Stefano Zacchiroli, I think Evan Prodromou refers to the sites running StatusNet that were hosted and managed by StatusNet Inc, now E14N, not the independent sites
Here his old blog post about the migrations
It's the same situation as was Identi.ca, but some months later.
Ah, now I understood the misunderstanding. Yeah, the remaining *.status.net sites, not the remaining StatusNet sites.