

Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition

Information and resources related to the 2025 Federal Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified. learn more

The Office of Research and Innovation offers many types of research-related preparation. Specific requirements should be verified with the appropriate unit.

Required Training

Animal Care Program

MSU and Federal Regulations require training and continuing education to ensure that all scientists, research technicians, animal technicians, and other personnel involved in animal care, treatment, and use are qualified to perform their duties in the care and use of research animals.

Conflict of Interest

Financial Conflict of Interest (COI) training is required for investigators (of all levels regardless of title) prior to engaging in research related to any National Science Foundation or Public Health Service (including Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, etc.) projects. Training covers federal requirements and MSU's policy and procedures for disclosing and managing potential financial conflicts.

Human Research Protection Program

All individuals involved in a human subject research project who have contact with human subjects or their identifiable data must have current human research protection training. Current human research protection training consists of completing an initial educational requirement and renewing the educational requirement prior to the training expiration date. Section 11-1-A, “Education: Investigators and Research Staff,” MSU Human Research Protection Manual.

Environmental Health and Safety

EHS provides live and online training classes throughout the year to educate the employees and students of Michigan State University on safe work practices. Completion of these courses by MSU personnel ensures that the university is fulfilling local, state and federal requirements in radiation safety, chemical safety, biological safety, occupational safety, hazardous waste compliance, and environmental compliance.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR)

RECR education is an essential component of a comprehensive training program for scholars in all disciplines. Responsible and ethical conduct promotes public confidence in scientific knowledge and progress for the public good. At present, several funding agencies require RECR education for individuals financially support by their grants (NSF, NIH, and USDA-NIFA) and that this education be properly documented.

Recommended Training

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

Online training in export control and trade sanctions is available to MSU faculty, staff and students through a campus-wide subscription to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). Please use your MSU email address to sign in so that your transcripts can be imported into MSU's training compliance system.

Research Development Opportunities

Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development

The Academic Advancement Network is a unit within the Office of the Provost that facilitates cross-institutional connections among individuals and entities in support of the advancement of academic careers. Its programs are organized around four nodes: inclusion, diversity, access, and engagement.

Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT)

The center provides training and consulting in statistics for faculty, staff and graduate students through one-on-one consulting and training workshops.

Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER)

Extensive training and support are available through the institute to enable researchers to utilize MSU's high-performance computing resources for research. The training courses and workshops introduce new and current users to high-performance computing, and data and visualization resources.

Scientific Image and Illustrations

Learn how to make your own images and illustrations for grant proposals, publications and posters with BioRender. Take advantage of this easy-to-use software and special university pricing.