The developer could call this out clearly if it was his plan. Tho the tool itself is a good start but the lack of export to usefull formats makes it kinda only partly usefull since you will have to write a converter to target format from his specific format. I did so for godot but was quite a pain and rn im considering writing a tool myself that directly exports to such a format instead of havin a secondary format inbetween that i have to interpret and convert to the target. But ye i gave up on it anyway long time ago
Recent community posts
Thanks ! And i will still plan to list all asset creators i bought stuff from from the game in my credits page :) but since im doing private development in freetime it may take me probably about 1 more year till i can release something - but ill keep you updated as soon theres something to see :)
Ill definatly do :) i will implement him as a story NPC :) and i plan to put all asset creators names into the credits - but you need to be patient since im doing only freetime development it probably will take me about 1more year till im ready to release something - but as soon i do ill let you know :) (or maybe if an earlier beta exists)
Since there was no further response by the creator i coded my own basic export/transform script for Tilekit to Godot scene in PHP. You need php 7.4+ cli installed to use it. The script can be found at
If you need specific changes please just fork it and adjust it there. I'll not provide big updates or specific feature wishes. Only posting this to help others in the same situation as me to maybe have a starting point or inspiration.
The last time the developer responded was 167 days ago. Is this project still active? If not please tell us rxi so we know no future support or updates will be included.
So i know this is not a new topic but im working on a game in Godot too and want to use your editor to create the tilemap. Even tho there are ways to port your maps to godot by exporting it to tiled format and than using different options ( tiled importer plugin in godot or godot tscn export plugin for tiled) none of them works in a usefull way. While the godot importer plugin just creates editor crashing bugs (if you try to open the tileset to add light occluders it just crashes the editor) and when using the tiled export plugin you get random errors too. Even tho coding a converter myself would be an option i basicly choose your tool to reduce the work not to start new projects myself. I think your tool is a great thing, but without proper exports for Godot/etc its sadly not really usefull for productive work.
Hey :) first of all great sprite ! Thanks alot for your work!
I bought it and left you a little obulus - just saying this to motivate others to do so too!
I just want to check on one thing. Since i plan to maybe release my game on for me licensing topics are quite important to prevent having later issues.
Showed your legal statement to a friend and he says that "You can not Resell/redistribute this asset. " contradict "You can do:- You can use this asset for personal and commercial purpose. Credit is not required but would be appreciated. "
Im sure you only wrote the non reselling part so noone will resell your sprites on itch or other platforms - but i would ask you to clearify this statement since selling a game that includes your sprites is by definition selling your sprites too.
@Cedric Stoquer
So if i want to have a sprite bigger than the 16*16 ill just make it higher with still 16 in tiles in width. so far so good, but am i able to use multiple different sprite on a single stage? Or is it only possible to have 1 spritesheet as source to draw on the current stage? (Based on the idea to split map/character sprites, so i just load the current map sprite instead of a giant map sprite. This way i would need a second sprite for character/items or put those character items in each of the map sprites).