arobynsung: (stock: nostalgia)
[personal profile] arobynsung
one of my favorite music videos ever!
it was fun playing with the over-saturation in the vid.

[15 icons]

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★-comments are ♥
★-credit unnecessary but appreciated =)
★-please don't hotlink!
arobynsung: (Default)
[personal profile] arobynsung
Replace the control strip code with the following:

Remember to replace the #colors with whatever your choice of colors is.


Sep. 24th, 2014 04:55 pm
arobynsung: made by <lj user="visualwit"> (dw: mels smile)
[personal profile] arobynsung
[50 icons]

more icons under the cut... )

★-comments are ♥
★-credit unnecessary but appreciated =)
★-please don't hotlink!
arobynsung: (idris: smile)
[personal profile] arobynsung
The explanation for this post is basically that I ran into some truly excellent art online and it inspired me to play with some cropping choices.
Please feel free to drop by the sites linked and check out more of the artists' work :)

[32 icons]


Keith Mallett )

★-comments are ♥
★-all credit goes to the artists linked on the table headers
★-please don't hotlink!
arobynsung: (stock: devious)
[personal profile] arobynsung
[20 ICONS]

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★-comments are ♥
★-credit unnecessary but appreciated =)
★-please don't hotlink!
arobynsung: (bey: crown)
[personal profile] arobynsung
This was BeyDay to be quite honest.
Spent my entire day receiving life from this album.
Be advised some icons are NSFW.

[55 icons]

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arobynsung: (Default)
[personal profile] arobynsung
Like everyone else this morning, I was overcome.
I kept the colors as is for the most part because I think she did something amazing with them already.
This is just what I had from the album booklet, the videos are even more amazing. As soon as I stop watching them long enough to make icons I might make more.

(some icons NSFW)

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arobynsung: (luther: alice/luther)
[personal profile] arobynsung
forgot to post this here from [community profile] smallbatchicons:

icon request fest fill for chaila:
Luther, 2x02, John/Alice


I will always adore how this show plays with negative space and the lines the characters make. I also am in constant love with how much space Alice takes up when she's in a room; female characters don't get to do that much- and with a character like John, who rules a room when he walks into it, it's even more wonderful.

I tried to play with that here, especially with the awesome caps [personal profile] chaila chose. I'd love for someone else to fill this as well; the caps are just such a great set.

arobynsung: (Default)
[personal profile] arobynsung
[10 icons]

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★-comments are ♥
★-credit unnecessary but appreciated =)
★-please don't hotlink!

nsfw icons

May. 5th, 2012 03:12 am
arobynsung: (stock: powerful kink)
[personal profile] arobynsung
[15 icons]

more icons )

★-comments are ♥
★-credit unnecessary but appreciated =)
★-please don't hotlink!
arobynsung: (merlin: sorceress)
[personal profile] arobynsung

CODE: Smooth Operator )

★- Navigation icons from
★- No sidebar!
★- Want to tweak the code (color, font, etc)? Go for it =D

★- Select Journal Style
★- Select any Tabula Rasa style layout.
★- Then select "2 Column (sidebar on right)". This is important.
★- Go to Custom CSS and uncheck the "Use layout's stylesheet(s)" option.
★- Paste code in 'Custom Stylesheet' text box

★- See the Layout FAQ. Otherwise ask here and we'll go from there.
★- [community profile] style_system is also available for more CSS help.
arobynsung: (kelly swag)
[personal profile] arobynsung

CODE: Alacrity )

★- Navigation icons from
★- No sidebar!
★- Want to tweak the code (color, font, etc)? Go for it =D

★- Select Journal Style
★- Select any Tabula Rasa style layout.
★- Then select "2 Column (sidebar on right)". This is important.
★- Go to Custom CSS and uncheck the "Use layout's stylesheet(s)" option.
★- Paste code in 'Custom Stylesheet' text box

★- See the Layout FAQ. Otherwise ask here and we'll go from there.
★- [community profile] style_system is also available for more CSS help.
arobynsung: (merlin: queen)
[personal profile] arobynsung
I posted a browser poll over at style-system.
Please visit the post and let me know which browser you use most when viewing DW.

Thank you!
arobynsung: (sherlock: the woman)
[personal profile] arobynsung
This page will be updated as I get all the tweaks I know about on here.

⇒ User Tiny IconsRead more... )

⇒ Access Tiny IconsRead more... )

⇒ Navigation IconsRead more... )

⇒ Cut Tag IconsRead more... )
arobynsung: (leverage)
[personal profile] arobynsung

CODE: Garden Seamless )

Cloudy Seamless )

★- Want to tweak the code (color, font, etc)? Go for it =D

★- Select Journal Style
★- Select any Tabula Rasa style layout.
★- Then select "2 Column (sidebar on right)". This is important.
★- Go to Custom CSS and uncheck the "Use layout's stylesheet(s)" option.
★- Paste code in 'Custom Stylesheet' text box

★- See the Layout FAQ. Otherwise ask here and we'll go from there.
★- [community profile] style_system is also available for more CSS help.
arobynsung: (cara: lips)
[personal profile] arobynsung

CODE: Moded Sensibility )

CODE: Given Sensibility )

CODE: Clear Sensibility )

★- Want to tweak the code (color, font, etc)? Go for it =D

★- Select Journal Style
★- Select any Tabula Rasa style layout.
★- Then select "2 Column (sidebar on right)". This is important.
★- Go to Custom CSS and uncheck the "Use layout's stylesheet(s)" option.
★- Paste code in 'Custom Stylesheet' text box

★- See the Layout FAQ. Otherwise ask here and we'll go from there.
★- [community profile] style_system is also available for more CSS help.


visualwit: (Default)
★ Robyn's Graphics & Things ★

January 2015

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