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Fallen Angels
Corrupted Flame
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Seed Account
Created on 2009-04-21 10:11:41 (#111082), last updated 2024-08-27 (19 weeks ago)
25,940 comments received, 10,084 comments posted
3,280 Journal Entries, 169 Tags, 1 Memory, 187 Icons Uploaded
Name: | velithya |
Birthdate: | Sep 29 |
Location: | Perth, Western Australia, Australia |
Hi. I have a Bachelor in Costume from the WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), and have worked in the TV and film industry. I'm married. I used to cosplay (not so much now). I write original and fan fiction. I study martial arts. I play Final Fantasy XIV. My current fandom is Guardian. I am sami's next of kin. If you have a problem with her, I have a problem with you.
Cosplay: In the past, I've been to the Tokyo Game Show, appeared in Layers magazine, and competed at the Madman National Championships. I have a cosplay tag for photos and a cosplay progress bar tag for in-progress photos and step by step stages. I also have an old/discontinued deviantArt page. I haven't been as heavily involved with cosplay since around 2014, but am always happy to be approached to act in a judging capacity.
Gaming: I am fond of Guilty Gear, Vagrant Story, and many Final Fantasy games. I'm theoretically trying to play my way through the Assassin's Creed series but stalled out mid-way through both AC: Revelations and AC: Odyssey. Final Fantasy XIII is my forever game fandom and I love it a lot; it's fallen into disrepair now, but I am technically still a co-mod for fang_lightning. I play Genshin Impact extreeemely casually.
MMOs: I used to play World of Warcraft (2006 - 2010, RIP). I now play Final Fantasy XIV (2015 - present) and I really enjoy it. I main heals (I'm a SGE main now ^^;; WHM >> AST >>> SCH). I consider myself a filthy casual.
Television: WARNING: I AM GENERALLY ALWAYS BEHIND ON CANON AND PREFER TO REMAIN SPOILER FREE UNLESS EXPLICITLY STATED OTHERWISE. If you don't respect and use spoiler cuts we will probably not get along. :) I mostly like science fiction/fantasy shows! I don't get a lot of free time to catch up on TV. My to-watch list contains Black Sails, Killjoys, Into The Badlands, and Sense8, sadly with little success. In 2020 I started watching C-dramas; I first went all-in on The Untamed/MDZS, swiftly followed in 2021 by Word of Honor/SHL. I still love Xicheng but currently I'm 1000% about Guardian - talk to me about Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and the way they look at each other!
Fiction: velithya All fanworks are posted to my AO3 account and linked here. I have written four original stories for Shousetsu Bang*Bang which are also posted to my AO3 account. All other original fiction is posted here under access lock and tagged. A Master List of (original) fiction (updated relatively often, when necessary) is located at the top of my journal (but tags are probably your safest option). It's sad that I have to say this, but plagiarism or stealing of any kind will not be tolerated.
Access Policy: Still here? Great! You're welcome to add me to your access/subscription list. However, please note that I don't auto-follow back. If you're interested in reading my content/getting to know me, please drop me a comment or PM to introduce yourself. (Otherwise... your subscription is gonna be pretty boring, not gonna lie.)
My emergency contact details can be found here.
angst-eating polar bears, archery, awesome female heros, baby shen wei, batshit alternate universes, can't stop the signal, clint barton, comics, cosplay, cql, cute linguists with glasses, draconic boyfriends, dresden files, dump the screen [y/n], eating meg's spicy brains, fang's love for lightning, fangirling, fantasy, final fantasy xiii, final fantasy xiii-2, final fantasy xiv, flying, flying panthers, gay fanfic, guardian, guardian镇魂, guilty gear, hei pao shi, heipaoshi, hot guys with wings, hot ladies with wings, japan, jiang cheng, junzhe, katana space, ladies in love, lan xichen, lightning's love for fang, martial arts, mdzs, methos, methosgate, miscellaneous fangirlism, mugen ryu, nanowrimo, original fiction, playing healers in mmos, psychic warriors, random gay, reading, rebel empire, ride the lightning, riskbreakers, science fiction, setting ky on fire, shen wei, shen wei's long hair, shen wei's pocket chain, shl, smiting morons, sol badguy, squeenix, stargate atlantis, turning jiang cheng into a cat, turning shen wei into a kitten, turning tony stark into a kitten, vagrant story, wars of light and shadow, weak to archers, weilan, weilanzun, wenzhou, winchestercon, wincon, wings, word of honor, writing, xicheng, zhao yunlan
People [View Entries]
25011987, alias_sqbr, borg, cistern, curiosity, cyberbrain, eighth_horizon, elenothar, elspethdixon, flamebyrd, flidgetjerome, gekizetsu, gigglingkat, gryphoncat, ishipallthings, jaseroque, kate, lamora, lazulisong, leareth, loaded_march, locketofyourhair, lunarriviera, marinarusalka, miss_ingno, mumblemumble, myfyr, nirdreth, oracne, pantswarrior, poisontaster, presumenothing, raeyn_elf, rafira, ratbones, raven, rekishi, rissicat, rmc28, sami, spikedluv, sqbr, tehfanglyfish, theducks, tielan, tinypinkmouse, transcendancing, trobadora, wrat, yantantether
[] trs80
25011987, abyss_valkyrie, alias_sqbr, anoyo, athena, beckerbell, beefgnawpolis, bellethiel_lindariel, borg, brynspikess, butterfly, chaobell, cistern, cleverthylacine, clex_monkie89, clexie, cmayumit, crimsonquills, crisis_control, curiosity, cyberbrain, digitalmeowmix, dragon_haven, drvsilla, dryadfangs, eighth_horizon, elaran, elenothar, elisse, elspethdixon, firefly21, flamebyrd, flidgetjerome,,, francisdee, gekizetsu, gestaltrose, gigglingkat, girlguidejones, glittering_git, grahame, gryphoncat, hannah, harukami, huggenkiss, hyperfocused, inkpawprints, ishipallthings, jmtorres, kadrin, kaitou, kate, kepp0xybu, kimboo_york, kiyoshi_chan, krait, kwenifly, lamora, laser_radiation, lazulisong, leareth,, loaded_march, locketofyourhair, lunarriviera, m_steelgrave, marinarusalka, miss_ingno, mistyzeo, mumblemumble, naanima, neeuqdrazil, nirdreth, noapologiesx, nytacos, oracne, ouri, pantswarrior, poisontaster, presumenothing, quartzwolf, raeyn_elf, rafira, rallamajoop, raven, reisha, rekishi, rissicat, rmc28, sami, siehn, sinnerforhire, sophie_448, sparkymonster, spikedluv, sqbr, squeemu, teabee, teabee1000, tehfanglyfish, thebaconfat, theducks, thorne_scratch, tinypinkmouse, transcendancing, trobadora,, tsukinofaerii, twigcollins, uss_spambot, weesta, wendy, windlion, wistmanswords, wrat, yantantether, yiduiqie, youngloveleroy, yukinojou
25011987, alias_sqbr, astolat, beefgnawpolis, borg, cistern, curiosity, cyberbrain, denise, eighth_horizon, elenothar, elspethdixon, flamebyrd, flidgetjerome, francisdee, gekizetsu, gigglingkat, gryphoncat, inkpawprints, ishipallthings, jaseroque, kate, lamora, lazulisong, leareth, loaded_march, locketofyourhair, lunarriviera, marinarusalka, miss_ingno, mumblemumble, myfyr, nirdreth, olivermoss, oracne, pantswarrior, poisontaster, presumenothing, raeyn_elf, rafira, rageprufrock, ratbones, raven, rekishi, rissicat, rmc28, sami, spikedluv, sqbr, superborb, synecdochic, tehfanglyfish, theducks, tielan, tinypinkmouse, transcendancing, trobadora,, velithya, wrat, yantantether
25011987, abyss_valkyrie, alias_sqbr, anoyo, astolat, athena, beckerbell, beefgnawpolis, bellethiel_lindariel, borg, brynspikess, butterfly, chaobell, cistern, cleverthylacine, clex_monkie89, clexie, cmayumit, crimsonquills, crisis_control, curiosity, cyberbrain, digitalmeowmix, dorothy1901, dragon_haven, drvsilla, dryadfangs, elaran, elenothar, elisse, elspethdixon, escritoireazul, firefly21, flamebyrd, flidgetjerome,,, francisdee, fred_mouse, gestaltrose, gigglingkat, glittering_git, grahame, gryphoncat, hannah, harukami, hyperfocused, ishipallthings, jic, jmtorres, kadrin, kaitou, kate, kimboo_york, kiyoshi_chan, krait, lamora, laser_radiation, lazulisong, leairan, leareth,, loaded_march, locketofyourhair, lunarriviera, m_steelgrave, marinarusalka, mhalachai, miss_ingno, mistyzeo, mumblemumble, myfyr, naanima, neeuqdrazil, nirdreth, noapologiesx, nytacos, oracne, ouri, pantswarrior, phoenikoi, poisontaster, presumenothing, quartzwolf, raeyn_elf, rafira, rallamajoop, ratbones, reisha, rekishi, rissicat, rmc28, sami, sparkymonster, spikedluv, squeemu, teabee, tehfanglyfish, the_rck, thebaconfat, theducks, thorne_scratch, tielan, tinypinkmouse, tochira, transcendancing, trobadora,, tsaiko, tsukinofaerii, twigcollins, velithya, weesta, wendy, wistmanswords, wrat, yangomogurt, yantantether, yiduiqie, youngloveleroy, yukinojou
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brush_and_lantern, confabcon, fanbingo, fang_lightning, getyourwordsout, grimms_dominion, guardian_wishlist, sid_guardian, velithya_writes
brush_and_lantern, dw_maintenance, dw_news, fanbingo, fang_lightning, getyourwordsout, grimms_dominion, guardian_wishlist, guardiandaily, merit_brush_recs, post_tumblr_fandom, sid_guardian, sundial_exchange
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