The documentary television program “Dear Santa, The Series” is set to return to Hulu on Nov. 29 and on the ABC-Owned Television Stations on Nov. 24 for its second season.
The series, which premiered in 2022, follows the U.S. Postal Service’s USPS Operation Santa program, which has been running for over a century. Traverse32 and Sweet World Films are behind the docuseries.
“USPS Operation Santa has captured the heart of the holiday season for more than 112 years, bringing people together through kindness and generosity,” said Sheila Holman, marketing vice president for USPS. “We’re excited for the new season of the Dear Santa docuseries to shine a light on this incredible American tradition, showing how small acts of goodwill can make a big difference.”
Series director and producer Dana Nachman (“Pick of the Litter,” “Batkid Begins”) will return to the show through Sweet World Films. Traverse32’s Brendan Gaul and Brett Henenberg will executive produce in addition to Chelsea Matter, USPS vice president of marketing Sheila Holman and USPS manager of marketing operations Shalene Starr.
The new five-episode season follows children’s letters to Santa, as well as the human ‘elves’ Santa employs to make their holiday wishes happen and the USPS employees behind the program. Cities included in the series are Atlanta, Denver, New York City, Oklahoma City and Richmond, Va.
Christmas requests include “a little boy who is obsessed with trains, a girl who wants a pet goldfish and a little magic to keep her room clean, a little female rocker in the making who dreams of a sparkly drum set, a brother and sister whose dad is deployed overseas, a youngster who wants to see a play with his father who has been battling cancer and a number of selfless children who only ask that Santa bring gifts for others,” according to this season’s description.
“Dear Santa, The Series” will also air on Localish (the 24/7 network carried on Hulu Live TV, YouTube TV, Vidgo, Fubo, Rockbot, Roku Channel, Tubi, Xumo, Samsung TV Plus, Amazon Prime Video, FreeVee and FireTV Alexa).
Watch the trailer here.