Name:諫早 庸一 (いさはや よういち) |
Fields:中央ユーラシア史、科学史 | |
Contact | amirsahibqiran○yahoo.co.jp (Please replace ○ with @.) |
近況 |
2015年に博士論文『一なる天、異なる宙――モンゴル帝国期ペルシア語中国暦の研究――』を完成させました。博士号をもって、イェルサレム・ヘブライ大学ERCプロジェクト「モンゴル時代における移動・帝国・文化接触」のポスドク研究員として「イル・ハン朝中国――ペルシア語文献に見える中国知――」と題したプロジェクトに取り組みます。 連絡先 |
所属/職位: |
イェルサレム・ヘブライ大学ERCプロジェクト「モンゴル時代における移動・帝国・文化接触」特別研究員 |
主要業績 - 論文: |
論文 1. 「ペルシア語文化圏における十二支の年始変容について――ティムール朝十二支考――」『史林』91 (3), 2008, pp. 42-73. 2. "Tarikh-i Khita wa Uyghur in Ulugh Beg's Zij: A Note on the Origin and Title of the Chinese Calendar Described in the Zij", Мирзо Улуғбекнинг жаҳон илм-фани ривожига қўшган ҳиссаси (халқаро илмий конференция матриаллари), Ташкент, 2009, pp. 169-177. 3. "History and Provenance of the "Chinese" Calendar in the Zīj-i Īlkhānī", Majalle-ye Tārīkh-e 'Elm: Nashrīye-ye 'Elmī―Pazhūheshī-ye Pazhūheshkade-ye Tārīkh-e 'Elm, 8, 1388/2009, pp. 19-44 (刊行2010年). 4. "Vicissitudes of Nourūz: Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Historical Time Scales," in Secularization, Religion and the States, edited by Haneda Masashi; Tokyo: UTCP, 2010, pp. 63-74. 5. "Gravity of Modernity: Reactions to the "New Astronomy" in Iran and Japan." In Translation, History and Arts: New Horizons in Asian Interdisciplinary Humanities Research, edited by Ji Meng and Ukai Atsuko, pp. 27-47. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 6. "The Tārīkh-i Qitā in the Zīj-i Īlkhānī: the Chinese Calendar in Persian," SCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences 14 (2013): 149-258. 7.「科学史とグローバル・ヒストリー――時空間と科学を再考するための問題提起として――」『科学史研究』53 (2014): 99-105. 書評・翻訳・その他 1. Yoichi Isahaya & Pouyan Rezvani, "Mobādelāt-e Farhangī dar Zamīne-ye Ahkām-e Nojūm (星占いの文化交流史)," 'Olōm va Fonōn, 51 (second series, vol. 5, no. 3), 1390/2011, pp. 62-67 (in Persian). 2. Pouyan Rezvani & Yoichi Isahaya,"Mo'arrefī-e Ketāb dar Hāl-e Tarjome-ye Mobādelāt-e Farhangī dar Ahkām-e Nojūm" [現在翻訳中の本、『星占いの文化交流史』の紹介], Khabar-Nāme [ニュースレター(テヘラン大学科学史研究所)], vol. 1, no. 2 (June & July 2011): pp. 19-20 (in Persian). 3. "New Astronomy in Iran," Khabar-Nāme [ニュースレター (テヘラン大学科学史研究所)], vol. 1, no. 3 (August & September 2011): pp. 3-4. (in English). 4. 「イランにおける中央アジア史研究の一側面~議会図書館発行の専門誌からの視界」『日本中央アジア学会報』 8 (2012): pp. 43-56. 5. デヴッド・ニコル, 清水 和裕 (監訳), 岡本恵, 諫早庸一, 大東敬典, 濱崎睦 (訳) 『イスラーム世界歴史地図』 明石書店, 2014. 6.ブライアン・シュプーナー・ウィリアム・ハナウェイ, 諫早庸一(訳)「スィヤーク:ペルシャ語文化圏における数字表記と計算能力」エレノア・ロブソン・ジャクリーン・ステッドオール(編), 斎藤憲・三浦伸夫・三宅克哉(監訳)『Oxford 数学史』共立出版, 2014, pp. 383-401. 7. 「書評:志茂碩敏『モンゴル帝国史研究 正篇――中央ユーラシア遊牧諸政権の国家構造――』(東京大学出版会, 2013年)」『内陸アジア史研究』29 (2014): pp. 135-145. |
主要業績 - その他: |
口頭発表 1. 「中央ユーラシアを跨ぐ十二支~ティムール朝における十二支年」神戸大学史学研究会コロキウム, 神戸大学, 2006年12月6日. 2. 「ペルシャ語文化圏における十二支の年始変容について~ティムール朝十二支考」暦数の会, 京都大学,2007年9月29日. 3. 「ヒタイ暦は中央アジアの暦か?~『イルハーン天文表』に記される中国暦に関する考察」日本中央アジア学会まつざきワークショップ, 松崎, 2008年3月31日. 4. "From Lunation to Solar Motion: The Modification of the Twelve-Animal Cycle in the Timurid Period", The Urban/Local Elite in Pre-Modern Middle Eastern Societies (the seminar series of The Institute of Oriental Culture), The University of Tokyo, 14th January, 2009. 5. "The Modification of the Twelve-Animal Cycle in the Timurid Period", The Formation of Perso-Islamic Culture: The Mongol Period and Beyond (International Workshop), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1st March, 2009. 6. "Migrating Time: The Transition of Time Conceptions by the Mongols across Thirteenth Century Eurasia", The Plural Present of Historical Life (UTCP Graduate Student Conference), The University of Tokyo, 16th May, 2009. 8. "Vicissitudes of Nourūz / New Year's Festival in the Iranian Context", Graduate Student Workshop on Secularization, Religion and The State, National University of Singapore, 21st January, 2010. 9. "Barrasī-ye Man: Mobādelāt-e Farhangī", Bāshgāh-e Anjoman-e Nojūm-e Thāqeb-e Ostān-e Gīlān (Tīr Māh), Rasht, 23rd July, 2010 (in Persian). 10. "Chinese Terminology in "Persian" Chinese Calendrical System," Mīrāth-i 'Ilmī wa Falsafī-yi Khāja Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī (International Conference), National Library of Iran (Tehran), 23rd and 24th February, 2011. 11.「イランにおける「新天文学」の受容:19世紀ペルシア語天文書『形象学訳稿 Tarjome-ye Hei'at』を中心に」第34回東文研・ASNET共催セミナー, 東京大学東洋文化研究所, 2011年9月1日. 12. "Gravity of Modernity: Reactions to the "New Astronomy" in Japan and Iran," Local History in the Context of Global History (Today Forum), ENS Lyon, 21th October, 2011. 13. "Ertebāt beyn-e 'Elm-e Nojūm va Vaz'īyat-e Ejtemā'-e Īrān dar Dour-ye Moghūl: Be Tavajjoh-e Tārīkh-e Ejtemā'ī-ye 'Elm," Panjomīn Neshast-e 'Elmī-Pazhūheshī dar Nīm-sāl-e Dovvom-e 1390, Pazhūheshkade-ye Tārīkh-e 'Elm (Tehran), 14th February, 2012 (in Persian). 14. "Negotiating with Modernity: Transmission of 'the History of Science' into Nineteenth Century Iran," The Second Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians: Transmission of Scientific Knowledge through Asia: Alternative Concepts and Methods, Ewha Womans University (South Korea), 28th April, 2012. 15. 「オリエンタリズムのはざまで――ルイ・アメリ・セディヨ (1808-1875)のアラビア科学史研究――」価値研究会(日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤研究S)「ユーラシアの近代と新しい世界史叙述」), 東京大学東洋文化研究所, 2012年7月1日. 16. 「暦と帝国――モンゴル帝国における「時の統合」について――」若手研究者交流会(日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤研究S)「ユーラシアの近代と新しい世界史叙述」), 東京大学東洋文化研究所, 2012年7月22日. 17. "Depoliticizing Empires: The Case of the Mongol Empire," Fudan-Todai seminar in Okinawa: Seeking a New World History through Research of the Next Generation, Naha, 7th August, 2012. 18. "'Sons of Heaven' underneath the Western Sky: Chinese Calendrical System in Persian during the Mongol Period," Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies: Transmission of Scientific and Medical Knowledge in Asia: from the Mongol Empire to the Twentieth Century, San Diego (America), 23rd March, 2013. 19. "A Chinese Calendar in Persian: The Missing Link in Chinese Astronomy," 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine: Astronomy and Its Applications in Western Asia and the Islamic World, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom), 23rd July, 2013. 20. "The Mongol Impact on Astronomy: The Differentiation of Astronomy in the Eastern and Western Islamicate World," World History for Current Issues (Environmental Issues, Globalization, and Conflicts): The Second Meeting of the McGill-Tokyo Collaboration, The University of Tokyo (Japan), 6th October, 2013. 21. "ʿIlm al-Mīqāt and ʿIlm al-Hayʾa: The role of Maragha in the Differentiation of Astronomy," Maragha and its Scholars: The Intellectual Culture of Medieval Maragha, ca. 1250-1550, The German Oriental Institute in Istanbul (Turkey), 7th December 2013. 22. "Reconsidering Spheres in the Celestial and Terrestrial Dimensions. The Qiyao rangzai jue, Fu tian li, and Their Application," SAW Seminar 2013-2014: Astral Sciences in Context 1: Relations between Various Types of Sources, Variety of Milieus: "Theoretical Texts and Ephemerides," Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7 (France), 23rd May 2014. 23. "Cross-Cultural Dialogue between a Chinese Sage and Muslim Polymath: Chinese Calendar in the Īlkhānīd Zīj as the Embodiment of the Astronomical Dialogue," Mobility and Transformations: New Directions in the Study of the Mongol Empire (International Conference), the Hebrew University (Israel), 1st July 2014. 24. 遠藤光暁 & 諫早庸一「『イルハン天文表』のペルシア語・漢語対音資料に反映した元代音韻体系」元代白話と近代漢語研究学術シンポジウム, 武当山, 2014年7月24-25日. 25. "Tallying with Heaven: The Fu-tian li 符天曆 in the naturalization of a “western” astral science in China," International Workshop on Traditional Sciences in Asia 2015: An Interdisciplinary Investigation into Overlapping Cosmologies, Kyoto University (Japan), 17th June, 2015. 26. "Entangled Representation of the Heaven: Dunhuang Fragment P. 4071 in the Transition and Naturalization of the Western Astral Science," The 19th Asian Studies Conference Japan: Overlapping Cosmologies and Cosmographies in Pre-Modern Asia (I), Meiji Gakuin University (Japan), 20th June, 2015. その他 編集協力 パネル・オーガナイザー |