Denmark in the US
Learn more about Denmark and Denmark in the United States.
In this section you can read about Denmark, culture and the arts, multilateral cooperation, Danish associations and communities and much more.
About Denmark
On these pages you can find information about Denmark, Danish culture and society.Read more -
Green Denmark
Find information about the embassy’s green and sustainable work. Learn about Denmark’s climate ambitions, the embassy as a Green Front Line Mission and read our publication: Denmark – The State of Green Solutions.Read more -
Arts and Culture
Read more about Danish culture and arts in the United States.
Multilateral Cooperation
The multilateral system is a cornerstone of Danish foreign-, security- and development policy. Read more about multilateral cooperation and how Denmark works with international organisations in Washington DC and across the world.Read more -
Danish Economic Footprints in the US
Denmark has left an economic footprint in the U.S. by creating jobs and investing money across all 50 states - read about it in the publication: Denmark in the U.S. - Creating Jobs & Growth through investments.Read more -
Danish Associations and Communities
Find information about Danish and Scandinavian associations and communities in the United States.Read more -
Defense and Security
Read more about Danish military service for foreign nationals and duty and business-related visits to all defense commands organizations and units.Read more -
Visits to the White House and Pentagon
Find information about visits to the White House and Pentagon.