Change the future

Getting Python and Django Through Your Java Shop Front Door (with Jython)

Frank Wierzbicki

Audience level:
Best Practices/Patterns


What do you do if you are a lover of Python but work in a Java only establishment? How do you convince your company that Python can fit in with the standards and conventions of a typical Java shop? Hybrid Java/Python shops are becoming increasingly common and this talk will help explain some techniques to introduce Python into a Java environment.


This talk will introduce techniques to fit Python in with the standards and conventions of a typical Java environment. The focus will be on deploying Python and Django into a Java environment with Jython version 2.7. I will draw from my experience working at Adconion Media Group, which is a hybrid Java/Python shop that uses Python, Jython and Django internally.

Topics will include:

  • Fitting Python and Django into a Maven based deployment
  • Using Python with the Spring framework
  • Deploying Django with war files

I will include a case study of a Django application from my job at Adconion Media Group that hits all of these areas. The application acts as a dashboard into a Java based library and is built and deployed as a war file with Maven. The Java library is Spring based.

I will also provide an update on Jython 3, which will integrate better conceptually with the Java platform in a number of ways. For example, the new unicode based str type aligns better with the unicode based String in Java.

The audience is expected to have at least some familiarity with Java standard practices, including some exposure to the Maven deployment tool and the Spring dependency injection framework.