Data Marketplace

We are persistently monitoring over 1,000 locations globally and are extracting insights into prepared downloads available on a weekly ready-to-go basis.

Auto Manufacturing Index

Discover vehicle production trends around the world through our Auto Manufacturing Index. It allows for easy cross-comparisons and analysis and can help answer questions like:

  • How is the auto industry faring amid global economic uncertainty?
  • Which direction are macroeconomic indicators likely headed?
  • How do auto industry trends vary by country?

Global Oil Storage

Improve supply-demand forecasts through our Global Oil Storage measurements, a comprehensive and unbiased view of crude oil inventories of more than 20,0000 tanks and more than 6.6 billion barrels of capacity, revealing:

  • What is the likely direction of oil price benchmarks and regional spreads?
  • How well do market narratives hold up against ground truth information?
  • What are inventory levels in locations outside of the OECD where data is otherwise unavailable?

Port Monitoring

We provide a complete picture of port activity identifying all vessels, regardless of whether they are broadcasting an AIS signal, combined with relevant onshore economic data.

  • How busy are major commercial ports?
  • Have cargo ships and tankers begun to back up?
  • Is port activity likely to increase or decrease based on current oil storage levels?

Get easy access to our Auto Manufacturing Index, Global Oil Storage, and Port Monitoring datasets from the AWS Marketplace.

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