Papers by Pablo Sanz de Miguel
European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2024
This paper examines strategic enforcement approaches relying on co-enforcement and transgovernmen... more This paper examines strategic enforcement approaches relying on co-enforcement and transgovernmentalist. It examines three cases in the construction industry in Austria, Asturias (Spain), and Poland, as well as three cases in maritime shipping in Finland, Spain, and Poland, focussing on Labour Inspection’s (LI)s motivations for engaging in co-enforcement and transnational cooperation. Data collection involved desk research, semi-structured interviews (39 construction and 14 in maritime), observation of inspections, and participant observation in EU seminars we organised together with regulatory actors (specific details are provided in the appendix). Findings show that LI’s selection of co-enforcement and transnational alliances are driven by the specific and highly contingent challenges each organisation faces. LI organisations are seeking to exploit synergies, but both the material reality and perception of these depends on diverse pre-existing infrastructures and organisation-specific assets.
Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 2024
La Formación Profesional (FP) dual se ha implantado o se encuentra en proceso de implantación en ... more La Formación Profesional (FP) dual se ha implantado o se encuentra en proceso de implantación en un amplio espectro de países del sur y del este de Europa, con tradiciones y modalidades de FP ajenas a la tradición dual, originaria de ciertos países Nord-europeos. En el contexto español, el objetivo político europeo de la exportación norte-sur de la FP dual ha sido objeto de diversas investigaciones que han ilustrado las contradicciones y dificultades inherentes a dicho proceso. Sin embargo, la cuestión de la integración de los agentes sociales, pese a ser un aspecto capital de los modelos refe- rentes de la FP dual, no ha sido objeto específico de investigación. El presente artículo, basado en un proyecto de investigación europeo, pretende cubrir este vació en la investigación española de la FP dual. Su objetivo es analizar, en primer lugar, la participación de los agentes sociales en las principales instituciones estatales de gobernanza de la FP dual y, en segundo lugar, comparar la participación de los agentes sociales dentro de las estructuras de gobernanza existentes en tres Comunidades Autónomas (Andalucía, Cataluña y País Vasco). Para abordar este objetivo, el artículo se sustenta en el enfoque conceptual de la gobernanza sistémica y una aproximación metodológica cualitativa que combina una revisión documental con un trabajo de campo que recurre a entrevistas semiestructuradas y a un procedimiento de análisis fundamentado en la codificación. Los resultados revelan diferencias en el tipo de integración de los agentes sociales entre las tres CCAA estudiadas y en función de los distintos niveles de gobernanza.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 20, 2022
EMPIRIA. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 2023
La irrupción de la economía de plataformas constituye el modelo más reciente de prácticas de exte... more La irrupción de la economía de plataformas constituye el modelo más reciente de prácticas de externalización y flexibilización de la organización de la producción, apoyadas en el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. La difusión de este modelo de negocio ha ahondado en la expansión de diferentes figuras laborales precarias, siendo la figura del falso autónomo la más característica. El modelo de negocio basado en las plataformas digitales tiene también el efecto de limitar la capacidad sindical para representar y defender a los trabajadores, impidiendo o limitando, por ejemplo, el recurso a la negociación colectiva. El presente artículo compara las estrategias de revitalización sindical desplegadas en España y Portugal en el sector del reparto digital de comida a domicilio (rider) por sindicatos tradicionales, y asociaciones de repartidores y trabajadores precarios. El artículo muestra cómo en ambos países, los sindicatos han compatibilizado estrategias de organización y movilización con acciones encaminadas a influir en la esfera política y regulatoria. No obstante, se evidencia una mayor experimentación de prácticas en el caso español, así como un mayor impacto e influencia de sus estrategias en términos políticos. El artículo también revela importantes diferencias entre ambos países respecto a la relación entre los sindicatos tradicionales y las asociaciones de repartidores.
Journal of Labor and Society, 2023
Food-delivery digital labour platforms started to operate in Spain in 2016. As in other national ... more Food-delivery digital labour platforms started to operate in Spain in 2016. As in other national contexts, these platforms have misclassi ed workers as independent contractors rather than employees, shifting responsibilities and risks onto workers who have been forced to operate under marketized relationships lacking protection. This paper analyses trade unions practices and strategies targeted towards fooddelivery platform workers (riders) in Spain. The ndings are based on desk research and eldwork consisting of semi-structured interviews with representatives from di ferent trade unions and self-organized workers' associations. The article shows how trade unions' strategies resting on litigation and social dialogue ended up with the rst legislation in Europe which introduced a rebuttable presumption of employment in the eld of delivery platforms. At the same time, it shows the limitation of those strategies resting on institutional power resources due to the fragmentation of workers' interests and the newly platforms' strategies to circumvent labour law.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2023
To improve the EU OSH Barometer on social dialogue, EU-OSHA has commissioned the applied social r... more To improve the EU OSH Barometer on social dialogue, EU-OSHA has commissioned the applied social research centre Notus to carry out the following tasks:
1. a brief literature review on social dialogue and OSH;
2. a review of existing sources for building quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH;
3. identification and assessment of existing and potential quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH against quality criteria;
4. assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of building a composite quantitative indicator on social dialogue and OSH.
This paper summarises the outcomes of those tasks. First, the paper defines the main concepts, namely OSH and industrial relations, including collective bargaining and social dialogue. The second section provides a brief literature review on industrial relations and OSH. The third section presents a conceptual approach for defining the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH. Building on this framework, the fourth section identifies and assesses existing and potential quantitative indicators aimed at measuring the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH, and other indicators which may provide valuable contextual information. Finally, the last section assesses the aims and advantages and disadvantages of different analytical tools for working with those indicators, in particular building a dashboard and a composite indicator, and further exploring other statistical analysies.
Revista Española de Sociología, 2023
La expansión de estructuras empresariales basadas en plataformas digitales ha suscitado preocupac... more La expansión de estructuras empresariales basadas en plataformas digitales ha suscitado preocupación debido a sus estrategias de huida de la laboralidad. El caso de España es relevante por haber sido el primer país en la Unión Europea que ha regulado la presunción de laboralidad de los repartidores, a través de la denominada Ley Rider. Este artículo contribuye a la literatura sobre la precariedad en la economía de plataformas explorando las principales manifestaciones del empleo irregular existentes en el sector del reparto digital español tras la aprobación de la Ley Rider, y sus efectos en las condiciones de trabajo. Metodológicamente, recurre a una aproximación cualitativa que combina el análisis documental con entrevistas a tres tipos de informantes. El artículo revela cómo las estrategias de adaptación de las empresas frente a la nueva regulación conforman una realidad marcada por la coexistencia de diversas manifestaciones del empleo irregular que tienden a acentuar la precariedad.
Glocalism, 2023
This article aims to highlight the process of recommodification characterizing the new forms of w... more This article aims to highlight the process of recommodification characterizing the new forms of work today, in particular gig economy jobs, and the possible solutions that can be suggested to guarantee adequate protection. After having explained the importance of labour law to decommodify the new forms of work, in particular platform work, this article explains the different ways to legally classify them at the national level and the relevant contribution an EU definition of worker could bring to address the problem of recommodification. In doing this, the article also mentions some relevant aspects of the EU proposal for a directive in the field.
European Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG. Grant number: VS/2020/0145., 2022
This research report, which presents the main fin- dings of the INVOLVE project, explores the rol... more This research report, which presents the main fin- dings of the INVOLVE project, explores the role played by trade unions and employer organisations in the governance of dual VET systems under models of IR where social partners play a less institutionalised role in policymaking – namely, Spain, Greece and Portugal (‘State-centred’ model) and Poland (‘Mixed’ or ‘Transitional’ model).
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
In 2022, the European Semester process was updated to take into account the launch of the Recover... more In 2022, the European Semester process was updated to take into account the launch of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in February 2021. Over the past year, Member States have implemented national recovery and resilience plans (RRPs) in a context of huge geopolitical and economic upheaval triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This report analyses national social partners’ involvement in carrying out the reforms and investments included in the RRPs. The findings point to a degree of unevenness across Member States in terms of the quality of the social partners’ involvement in the preparation of the plans. Reasons cited include insufficient time allotted, inability to provide effective input and lack of genuine consultation and discussion. However, given their key involvement during the COVID-19 crisis – when they rallied together to manage the crisis and mitigate its negative effects – engaging the social partners in the necessary structural reforms is even more critical now due to rising energy and commodity prices, high levels of inflation and the risk of lower economic growth.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg., 2022
This report analyses the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in addressing the chal... more This report analyses the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in addressing the challenges created or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the hospital sector. It also explores whether existing social dialogue and collective bargaining processes at national level were adapted in order to address these new challenges. The research included a literature review to contextualise the structural features of the hospital sector and an analysis of policy initiatives to manage the crisis implemented across the EU27 and Norway. The findings indicate that the level and nature of the social partners’ involvement in pandemic responses varied across Europe. Social dialogue and collective bargaining played a prominent role in some countries, while in others the social partners were less involved. Although no substantial changes were identified in social dialogue institutions and processes, the breadth of issues they deal with expanded beyond the traditional areas of employment and working conditions.
La tesis doctoral titulada "La activacion en la Estrategia Europea de Empleo (EEE): traslaci... more La tesis doctoral titulada "La activacion en la Estrategia Europea de Empleo (EEE): traslacion a los discursos y las politicas de Espana y Reino Unido", trata de responder dos preguntas fundamentales: 1) ?Como se define la estrategia de activacion en las instituciones europeas en el periodo que va desde 1997 hasta el ano 2008?; 2) ?Como se entiende y concreta la activacion en dos paises miembros de la UE (Espana y Reino Unido) dotados de modelos de empleo claramente diferentes? Para responder estas preguntas, se lleva a cabo una investigacion de caracter cualitativo, centrada en el analisis del discurso de la activacion, y las politicas implementadas en el interior de ambos estados. El objetivo general perseguido es inferir el discurso de la activacion presente en la EEE y estudiar como ha sido aceptado, interpretado y aplicado en dos paises dispares como Espana y Reino Unido. Reconociendo que, bajo el concepto de activacion, es posible identificar varios modelos que apena...
Research report, 2022
This report sets out to map and analyse legislation and collective bargaining on telework in the ... more This report sets out to map and analyse legislation and collective bargaining on telework in the 27 Member States and Norway. It highlights the main cross-country differences and similarities regarding telework legislation and recent changes to these regulations. It also examines the current situation regarding collective bargaining on telework. The analysis highlights many of the drawbacks and challenges of telework, focusing on provisions relating to access to telework, flexible working time, continuous availability/connectivity, isolation, occupational and health risk prevention and the costs incurred by the employee while working remotely. With COVID-19 having been an accelerator for regulating telework both in legislation and through collective bargaining, the report sheds light on how the future of telework could be regulated at national and EU level to improve working conditions and the well-being of workers.
Teleworking has helped businesses evolve and survive the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has put worker... more Teleworking has helped businesses evolve and survive the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has put workers at greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems. This report reviews the occupational safety and health issues associated with telework, and the measures and regulations in place to prevent and manage them. In-depth, candid interviews with workers and employers in three selected countries highlight the positive and negative impacts of teleworking during the pandemic. With telework likely to be more prevalent post-pandemic, the report concludes with recommendations to make its adoption successful while protecting workers’ safety and health.
El artículo aborda la cuestión de la concertación y cooperación entre agentes sociales y estatale... more El artículo aborda la cuestión de la concertación y cooperación entre agentes sociales y estatales en la lucha contra el empleo irregular. El análisis se lleva a cabo desde un enfoque teórico que combina elementos del marco neocorporatista y la perspectiva de la coproducción aplicada a las políticas de inspección de trabajo (co-inspección). El material empírico deriva de un estudio de caso centrado en una acción de cooperación entre los agentes sociales y la inspección de trabajo. Dicha acción se desarrolla en España, a nivel autonómico (Asturias), en un sector, la construcción, que presenta los rasgos propios del centro de trabajo fragmentado como resultado de prácticas ampliamente extendidas de flexibilización de la organización de la producción. El análisis confirma la relevancia y complementariedad de los enfoques teóricos contrastados, y contribuye a explicar los factores que determinan la configuración del consenso en el ámbito estudiado y la eficacia de este tipo acciones de...
Intersticios Revista Sociologica De Pensamiento Critico, 2013
Publication Office of the European Union, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to adopt teleworking. Post pandemic, as teleworki... more The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to adopt teleworking. Post pandemic, as teleworking looks set to continue for many, measures to protect employee health and well-being are under scrutiny.
This report reviews how telework was regulated at the EU and national levels pre-COVID-19, exploring legislation, employment and working conditions, occupational safety and health issues, and work-life balance. The role of collective bargaining and social dialogue is also discussed.
The report concludes by examining changes to legislation and initiatives adopted in response to the pandemic, with a view to informing effective approaches to regulating telework in the EU in the post-COVID-19 era.
Revista Española de Sociologia RES, 2021
El artículo aborda la cuestión de la concertación y cooperación entre agentes sociale... more El artículo aborda la cuestión de la concertación y cooperación entre agentes sociales y estatales en la lucha contra el empleo irregular. El análisis se lleva a cabo desde un enfoque teórico que combina elementos del marco neocorporatista y la perspectiva de la coproducción aplicada a las políticas de inspección de trabajo (co-inspección). El material empírico deriva de un estudio de caso centrado en una acción de cooperación entre los agentes sociales y la inspección de trabajo. Dicha acción se desarrolla en España, a nivel autonómico (Asturias), en un sector, la construcción, que presenta los rasgos propios del centro de trabajo fragmentado como resultado de prácticas ampliamente extendidas de flexibilización de la organización de la producción. El análisis confirma la relevancia y complementariedad de los enfoques teóricos contrastados, y contribuye a explicar los factores que determinan la configuración del consenso en el ámbito estudiado y la eficacia de este tipo acciones de cooperación para combatir el empleo irregular
Industrial democracy is a dimension of industrial relations which has
been largely studied. Howev... more Industrial democracy is a dimension of industrial relations which has
been largely studied. However, the international comparison of the
different features and outcomes of industrial democracy has
attracted much less attention. The article addresses this gap by
developing three tools: a dashboard of indicators, a composite indicator aiming to measure performance, and a typology addressed to
better understanding varieties of national industrial relations system.
Whilst industrial democracy performance is defined in a normative
way, the typology includes also other aspects related to industrial
relations institutions, processes and actors. Both normative and nonnormative indicators are included in the dashboard. The three tools
allow for cross-time analysis and are seen as complementary for the
comparative analysis of industrial democracy in Europe
Papers by Pablo Sanz de Miguel
1. a brief literature review on social dialogue and OSH;
2. a review of existing sources for building quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH;
3. identification and assessment of existing and potential quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH against quality criteria;
4. assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of building a composite quantitative indicator on social dialogue and OSH.
This paper summarises the outcomes of those tasks. First, the paper defines the main concepts, namely OSH and industrial relations, including collective bargaining and social dialogue. The second section provides a brief literature review on industrial relations and OSH. The third section presents a conceptual approach for defining the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH. Building on this framework, the fourth section identifies and assesses existing and potential quantitative indicators aimed at measuring the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH, and other indicators which may provide valuable contextual information. Finally, the last section assesses the aims and advantages and disadvantages of different analytical tools for working with those indicators, in particular building a dashboard and a composite indicator, and further exploring other statistical analysies.
This report reviews how telework was regulated at the EU and national levels pre-COVID-19, exploring legislation, employment and working conditions, occupational safety and health issues, and work-life balance. The role of collective bargaining and social dialogue is also discussed.
The report concludes by examining changes to legislation and initiatives adopted in response to the pandemic, with a view to informing effective approaches to regulating telework in the EU in the post-COVID-19 era.
been largely studied. However, the international comparison of the
different features and outcomes of industrial democracy has
attracted much less attention. The article addresses this gap by
developing three tools: a dashboard of indicators, a composite indicator aiming to measure performance, and a typology addressed to
better understanding varieties of national industrial relations system.
Whilst industrial democracy performance is defined in a normative
way, the typology includes also other aspects related to industrial
relations institutions, processes and actors. Both normative and nonnormative indicators are included in the dashboard. The three tools
allow for cross-time analysis and are seen as complementary for the
comparative analysis of industrial democracy in Europe
1. a brief literature review on social dialogue and OSH;
2. a review of existing sources for building quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH;
3. identification and assessment of existing and potential quantitative indicators on social dialogue and OSH against quality criteria;
4. assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of building a composite quantitative indicator on social dialogue and OSH.
This paper summarises the outcomes of those tasks. First, the paper defines the main concepts, namely OSH and industrial relations, including collective bargaining and social dialogue. The second section provides a brief literature review on industrial relations and OSH. The third section presents a conceptual approach for defining the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH. Building on this framework, the fourth section identifies and assesses existing and potential quantitative indicators aimed at measuring the quality of industrial relations in the field of OSH, and other indicators which may provide valuable contextual information. Finally, the last section assesses the aims and advantages and disadvantages of different analytical tools for working with those indicators, in particular building a dashboard and a composite indicator, and further exploring other statistical analysies.
This report reviews how telework was regulated at the EU and national levels pre-COVID-19, exploring legislation, employment and working conditions, occupational safety and health issues, and work-life balance. The role of collective bargaining and social dialogue is also discussed.
The report concludes by examining changes to legislation and initiatives adopted in response to the pandemic, with a view to informing effective approaches to regulating telework in the EU in the post-COVID-19 era.
been largely studied. However, the international comparison of the
different features and outcomes of industrial democracy has
attracted much less attention. The article addresses this gap by
developing three tools: a dashboard of indicators, a composite indicator aiming to measure performance, and a typology addressed to
better understanding varieties of national industrial relations system.
Whilst industrial democracy performance is defined in a normative
way, the typology includes also other aspects related to industrial
relations institutions, processes and actors. Both normative and nonnormative indicators are included in the dashboard. The three tools
allow for cross-time analysis and are seen as complementary for the
comparative analysis of industrial democracy in Europe
represented in contrasting national settings in Europe.