A network for health professionals (including doctors, nurses, pharmacists) to exchange lessons learned from judicious antimicrobial use


  • To collaborate with local, regional and international stakeholders (e.g. British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy; British Paediatric Allergy, Immunity and Infection Group; UK National Health Service policy advisers and policy systems; UK Royal Colleges; Public Health England; European Reducing Antimicrobial use and Nosocomial Infections in KIDS network; US Sharing Antimicrobial Reports for Pediatric Stewardship collaborative)
  • To collect and share data to benchmark antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance, and clinical outcomes in order to design stewardship interventions
  • To share information – monthly teleconference, yearly day-long meeting, email distribution list, publications, online repository of resources (currently on BSAC forum – with thanks)
  • To engage with patients and the public
  • To contribute to policy through research findings and advocacy


The network is operated by UK-based health professionals, and international colleagues are welcome to the discussion.
