Two students work with a computer connected to a drone in flight.


Research at Iowa changes lives—and not just those who benefit from a new medical treatment or technology developed by Hawkeyes.

Research creates an opportunity to have a unique, transformative academic experience. When you get involved in research, you develop practical skills that set you apart in the job market and help you find new areas of specialization you love. 

As one of the country's foremost public research institutions, there's no better place to find those experiences than Iowa. And with support for high-impact, pioneering research at the core of our mission, you can be part of a team that changes the world. 

1 in 3

undergraduates involved in research

$ 683.8

Million in external funding to support research

Research at Iowa

Research resources

The Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab) Facility Located in the IATL

Office of the Vice President for Research

Find research resources, grant and funding information, and other stories highlighting Iowa's research community.
Undergraduate student looks into a microscope.

Office of Undergraduate Research

Browse research-focused projects, internships, academic credits, and summer program opportunities available through OUR.

Two students presenting their business plan stand in front of four seated people.

UI Ventures

Find support for startups driven by Iowa research and explore funding and consultation services.

Leadership in research

Students sitting at a desk and talking

Igniting a passion for research and discovery

Undergraduate students at the University of Iowa not only have plentiful opportunities to work alongside faculty researchers, they make important contributions to science.

Students on campus in PPE

Two new grants help train future scientists

Two new Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs funded by the National Science Foundation bring students to Iowa for active participation in research projects.

Jordan Hauck

Iowa researchers, patients giving cancer plenty of fight

Not only does the University of Iowa offer a variety of treatment options for a range of cancers, from the most common types to the rarest, campus investigators are working daily to make those treatments better. And patients play a key role.