HiPOD: Week of 17 February 2025�

Hanging Sand Dunes within Coprates Chasma

Hanging Sand Dunes within Coprates Chasma
On Earth and Mars, these types of dunes are largely controlled by what is called “microtopography.” Physical obstacles can accelerate and decelerate airflow, create turbulence, potentially enhancing erosion, deposition, and/or transport of dune sediment. ��
Central Peak Dunes

Central Peak Dunes
This observation is a re-imaging of small dunes on the north side of an impact crater that we also captured in 2007. Other small changes in the ripples and possible transverse aeolian ridges might be in this location. With a digital terrain model, there is the potential to find long-term changes. This scene is in Tyrrhena Terra.��
Small Channels Northwest of Hadriaca Patera

Small Channels Northwest of Hadriaca Patera
The objective of this observation is to examine small, narrow channels that look fairly (geologically) fresh. The channels are on the eroded south facing wall of an impact crater and are also visible in Context Camera data.��
Mounds in Chryse Planitia

Mounds in Chryse Planitia
This landform shows distinctive layering in Context Camera data, and is atypical in its interaction with the surrounding plains. It appears to delineate underlying craters. Understanding the connection between these landforms and the craters they delineate is vital to our knowledge of their formation.��
A Potential Delta Deposit within Darwin Crater

A Potential Delta Deposit within Darwin Crater
Context Camera data highlighted a potential delta deposit within this area of Darwin Crater. The deposit appears well preserved, possibly Amazonian in age (over 2 billion years ago). Our observation can help to reveal dimensions of the deposit and layering that is indicative of multiple flow events. Such a deposit could reveal important information about the environment and presence of potential ice-sheets within southern Mars during the Amazonian period.��