Light-Toned Gully Materials on Hale Crater Wall
Light-Toned Gully Materials on Hale Crater Wall
PSP_002932_1445��Science Theme:�Impact Processes
This observation shows the Southern latitude Hale Crater, a rather large, pristine elliptical crater approximately 125 x 150 kilometer in diameter.

Hale Crater possesses sharp features, impact melt bodies ponded through out the structure and few overprinting impact craters. These attributes indicate that it is relatively young and certainly well-preserved -- likely the youngest crater of this size on Mars!

Present on the crater walls are a large number of gullies, some with light-toned deposits. The gullies visible here are very well developed, and many are cut deeply into the crater walls. Several have braided channels suggestive of repeated flow. Some of the gullies have boulders littered throughout their channels. This could be a result of a fluid preferentially transporting smaller particles and leaving larger rubble behind. The composition of the light-toned deposits are currently unknown. The CRISM visible-infrared spectrometer, HiRISE's sister instrument on MRO, may be able to shed some light on the composition of these materials.

In one place along the crater rim gullies are visible on both sides of the rim. This has only been seen in a few locations on Mars.

Written by: Kelly Kolb��(18 July 2007)

This is a stereo pair with PSP_003209_1445.
Acquisition date
12 March 2007

Local Mars time

Latitude (centered)

Longitude (East)

Spacecraft altitude
254.5 km (158.2 miles)

Original image scale range
25.5 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~77 cm across are resolved

Map projected scale
25 cm/pixel and North is up

Map projection

Emission angle

Phase angle

Solar incidence angle
58�, with the Sun about 32� above the horizon

Solar longitude
199.2�, Northern Autumn

For non-map projected images
North azimuth:��97�
Sub-solar azimuth:��19.1�
Black and white
map projected��non-map

IRB color
map projected��non-map

Merged IRB
map projected

Merged RGB
map projected

RGB color
non-map projected

Black and white
map-projected�� (745MB)

IRB color
map-projected�� (415MB)

Black and white
map-projected� (344MB)
non-map���������� (440MB)

IRB color
map projected� (121MB)
non-map���������� (388MB)

Merged IRB
map projected� (172MB)

Merged RGB
map-projected� (175MB)

RGB color
non map���������� (368MB)
Map-projected, reduced-resolution
Full resolution JP2 download
Anaglyph details page

DTM details page

B&W label
Color label
Merged IRB label
Merged RGB label
EDR products

IRB: infrared-red-blue
RGB: red-green-blue
About color products (PDF)

Black & white is 5 km across; enhanced color about 1 km
For scale, use JPEG/JP2 black & white map-projected images

All of the images produced by HiRISE and accessible on this site are within the public domain: there are no restrictions on their usage by anyone in the public, including news or science organizations. We do ask for a credit line where possible:

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The HiRISE camera was built by Ball Aerospace and Technology Corporation and is operated by the University of Arizona.