I now only accept pride slogans from underwear, thank you
dumbass doesn't know how to play the hexagon
Giving beef
bring out the pussy
*sound of a cart with squeaky wheels approaching*
Ok well mommy is gonna hog tie you to a missile and then launch it into the sky and youll die in a big fiery explosion ok puppy?
how does pain taste when it melts into your tongue
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Only a few days left at home before another month of travel. Gonna soak up every second while I can.🏡😌
I can feel everything the plushies feel. Btw
and now we get to my favourite part of the fic, the part where I need to figure out how to effectively destroy my main character's will to live in a single chapter
Good morning! ✨
"we are the children of the sky, come earn a soul that never dies" EPICA feat. CHARLOTTE WESSELS & MYRKUR
How does the MBTA clear snow off of the tracks?
Jet engine
I’m disappointed.
I gave you a gizmo. An absolute contraption. A doohickey even. You asked how the MBTA removes snow from its tracks and instead of getting a normal answer like “plow” or “salt” I give you a fucking jet engine bolted to a rail car like I’m looney fucking tunes and you have the gall to give it only 22 notes.
This one has a fucking sneefer
Are you happy now????
There is also this guy who is named Russel
Look at his smile
These things are gorgeous and deserve much more love and appreciation.
These things are gorgeous
and deserve much more love and
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
She should show up at events where Prince Charles is. Give him a scare 💅 Watch to the end for the result!
Sis, I'll pay for your travel, just scare that fucker hard enough that he croaks 💅
perfect headline. no notes
They left the best one off
Pokemon Heritage Post