We Need Writers

Thank you for your interest in our call for writers.  We are currently looking for copywriters specializing in viral content and world news articles. We provide financial compensation for articles written by contributing writers, and we provide the following:

1) An excellent medium to expose your creativity and knowledge in any area of alternative news, health, science and more to the rest of the world;

2) The opportunity to expose false or misleading events that are misrepresented by the mainstream media, etc.;

3) A chance to demonstrate your passion, commitment and dedication towards activism and to empower and provide people with the resources and information to understand what is really going on.

The following guidelines will be applied:

– Previous experience as a writer is ESSENTIAL, and we ask all authors to submit at least one sample (or excerpt) of their work.

– Trueactivist.com reserves the right to deny and refuse any article it deems unfit for publication. We also reserve the right to edit any content that promotes advertising of specific products or solicits readers to contact third-party individuals or organizations (especially those not directly related to the article or study)

– All writers are expected to include appropriate copyright information and reference sources for any scientific/professional quotes, theories, speculation, opinions, research or conclusions.

– Topics may include:

  • Alternative news
  • Activism
  • Health
  • Politics
  • Science and Technology
  • Environment
  • Economy
  • Life
  • Wildlife
  • And many more…

– All writers will be assigned to a Trueactivist.com representative to ensure your article is reviewed and published appropriately.

– All members are asked to email us at the email address specified in the image above to submit all entries.

– You will be notified by one of our representatives within a few days of your submission. If you have any more questions, or comments concerning this new feature, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What is next?

  1. Choose any of the topics mentioned above
  2. Create the article in a word processor such as Microsoft Word etc
  3. Articles must be between 500 and 2000 words
  4. Submit the article by sending it to the email in the image above.
  5. We will review the article and get in touch with you.

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