Letter to the editor: Does hard work work pay off? | TribLIVE.com
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Does hard work work pay off?


Does our hard work pay off? I ask because I’ve worked several full-time and part-time jobs. Some employers were fair, while others toxic. All employees have had the same experience at some level. Nevertheless, many of us work hard to make ends meet. Others work hard to be promoted or receive rewards for their effort. Hard workers would most often complain not only about the painful trials surrounding their jobs, but for the lack of compensation they feel they deserve.

I’ve labored for almost a decade. Even when I worked for promising employers, the results felt vain. The pay was good, but didn’t feel rewarding. Hard work, in my experience, only led me to extra work, both challenging and backbreaking. I occasionally worked in below-zero temperatures since my tasks were mostly performed outside. Often, I went home mentally drained to the point of laziness, lacking interest in performing daily tasks. It was harder waking up each morning no matter how many hours I slept. Eventually I grew to accept that it wasn’t worth investing my time and energy on employers that drain me, even if management is fair.

In my opinion, hard work doesn’t usually pay off unless we enjoy our jobs. I doubt that most employers focus on employees who work their butts off, but rather those who help expand their businesses. Labor usually results in extra work than promotions, especially when we are the best employees.

Joshua Tyler Dushack


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