Welcome to the Town of Catlin Website!
The Town of Catlin is located within Chemung County, NY.
The Town of Catlin is located within Chemung County, NY.
Yvonne M. Cutler
1448 Chambers Rd
Beaver Dams, NY 14812
607-739-5598 ext. 1
Drop box at front door.
Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 8am - 11am; and Mon 3-5pm
Dog Licenses; Marriage licenses
Tax Collector for Town and County Taxes
Notary Services at no charge for Town residents
Records Management Officer of Town Records
FOIL Requests
Handicapped Permits
739-5598, ext. 4
Office Hours First & Third Wednesday, 5:30pm - 6:30 pm for payments in person
Court Hours: First & third Wednesday at 7pm. Except Legal Holidays
Presiding Judge: Justice Josh Cutler
There is a drop box for court business outside the court / meeting room entrance door. Court clerk: Carol Jividen
Email - [email protected]
Highway Superintendent: Joseph Doan
If you have any concerns or questions regarding our town roads please feel free to contact Mr. Joe Doan at his office phone.
Telephone: 607-739-1453 ext 2 or cell 607-426-5962.
[email protected]
Hours of operation: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM M-F
Assessor: Katherine Gabriel Hours will be the first and third Wednesday of each month by appointment. To reach the Assessor please use the contact information below.
Please click here for the 2024 final assessment roll.
office (607)739-5598 ext. 3
Cell: (607) 425-6522
Email: [email protected]
Animal Control is now the Elmira Animal Shelter at 607-737-5767 (or 607-735-8600 for emergencies only).
Call 739-5598 ext. 6 or 739-5598 ext. 7 to report problems, water issues, and emergencies.
If you're selling your house with an outstanding water bill, the water will be turned off until paid. Make sure to call to have a final read done and final bill prepared prior to the closing date. The same should take place if you are renting and moving out. This is also very important when it comes to changing the name on the account for the next billing cycle. To pay your water bill online, please click here.
Please click here for the 2023 annual water quality report.
For more information on the Water District, please click here.
Martin Jerzak
Monday - 3pm-5pm 5pm-7pm field
Wednesday - 8am-10am 10am-1pm field
Thursday - 8am-10am 10am-1pm field
Other hours in the field.
Call for appointments.
Cell: 607-731-9529
Office: 607-739-5598 ext.5
For Code Enforcement documents and applications please click here.
Town Hall
Town hall will be closed Tuesday March 25,2025 reopen Thursday
Discuss various projects for the highway garage and town hall
Resurfacing highw...
Town Hall
The town of Catlin has all new emails addresses as follows
Town Clerk -- [email protected]
4-12 weeks per year
11-13 hours per week
Contact Town Clerk for information
607-739-5598 opt. 1