Tommi Space

La Marmellata

Ci sono curiose scoperte e piccoli pensieri che voglio salvare prima che finiscano nel dimenticatoio, o nell’attesa che vengano riformulati in maniera migliore e raccontati nello Zibaldone.

Prendo tutte queste cose e ne faccio La Marmellata.

Cos’è La Marmellata?

La chiamano anche giardino digitale, o anche sistema Zettelkasten. Per me si tratta di un esperimento molto meno altisonante e ambizioso, ma frullato e gustoso: è La Marmellata.

Da questa pagina è possibile partire per navigare all’interno de La Marmellata. Ci sono diversi modi per farlo:

Village One

Not a robot

Collecting jokes about CAPTCHA verification codes

L’Intelligenza Inesistente

Appunti, idee e spunti leggendo “L’Intelligenza Inesistente” di Stefano Borroni Barale.


My peronal collection of wonderful words—either ugly words with a wonderful meaning, or words that have a bad meaning, but sound wonderfully.

Libri molto usati e poco letti

La mia brutta abitudine di portare sempre in giro un sacco di libri che si rovinano molto, ma di non leggerli quasi mai…


Il bans più virale dell’estate 2024

People rememberer app

An app to remember people you meet at events

YunoHost backups on Cubbit DS3 object storage using rclone

L’impatto ambientale di questo sito web

Spiegazione dei fattori che determinano l’impatto ambientale di questo sito e alcune riflessioni riguardo il suo “sustainability score”.

The environmental impact of this website

Explaining the determining factors of the environmental impact of this website, and some reflections about its sustainability score.

Fratellanza San Fruttuoso

Un luogo antico trasformato in spazio di calcetto e amicizia da persone meravigliose


Non lo so

Fediverse Autobooster

The Rubber Band Effect

A metaphor to represent the hardship following a long time without any pause, and the human need to rest, from time to time.


Tattoos ideas

TMI Debut set

Playlist of the first DJ set by TMI


My thoughts on Saviors, Green Day’s latest album

Waiting for things to get fucked up

The Bear

Come sto

La mia risposta a Johanna alla sua domanda “come stai?”

Palestinian dinner

One Piece

PDF optimization and tagging

Tricks for PDF improvement, optimization, tagging, and categorization

Audio notes workflow using Whisper and Nextcloud

On beauty and digital identity

Thinking about the concept of beauty intertwined with the representation of a digital identity. What is my digital identity?


a.k.a. Tommi’s dotfiles manager: a little ruse to backup my configuration files

I don’t need a backup

Fare la differenza

On Flatmates

Rethinking Gemini capsule

Notes, logs, and thoughts about the Gemini capsule.


Thoughts, insights, and ideas about Anarchism

Using Cubbit DS3, or decentralized object storage

YunoHost backups on Cubbit DS3 object storage using s3fs

American Idiot

Vorrei raccontare una storia su come American Idiot dei Green Day sia divenuto un brano identitario per me.

In viaggio verso San Francisco

Fediverse workshop

An introductory workshop on decentralized social media and the Fediverse

Laboratorio sul Fediverso

Un laboratorio di introduzione ai social network decentralizzati

The Internet’s Own Boy

Thoughts and insightsnoted while watching “The Internet’s OwnBoy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

Incontro squadra internazionale Erasmus CSV Polis

Compose SuperPowers

Idea for a Linux software aimed at helping to type with the Compose Key and the Super Key.

Qual è il tuo verso?

Un breve gioco/laboratorio per scoprire sé stess3 tramite versi poetici



What everyone should…

Book passages, articles, movies, songs, podcasts, quotes I believe anyone should read/watch/listen to at least once in their life. Even stuff to do, or events to attend.

Browsers as navigation and a creation endpoints

Postgraduate plans

Insights about what to do after my bachelor graduation

The Semantic Web

La Rete è libera e democratica (falso)

Un libro che sottolinea l’intrinseco fattore anarchico all’interno della rete e le sue problematiche, da un punto di vista sia ontologico che epistemologico.

A History of the Internet and the digital future

Notes, citations, and thoughts about a greatly insightful work I am using for my bachelor’s thesis.


The stickers sticked on your laptop should tell the story of your life.


Notes and insights about running a DYI server in my grandparents’ home.

Portorož Youth Health Forum 2023


The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

The Question Concerning Technology

Thesis writing diary

Linux device setup



Il sentimento di appartenere contemporaneamente a molti luoghi, ma non sentirsi completamente parte di nessuno.


Vanilla OS

Lavorare con le persone

Escatologia tomistica

Switching to Linux



Questions to ask to an AI




mon magnifique vélo acheté et utilisé pendant mon Erasmus à Grenoble.



Insights and personal notes on digiKam: tips, workflows, ideas.

Internet Archive

Notes regarding


Various Fediverse information, tips, and accounts worth following.

Occhiali da vista

I miei occhiali da vista

Occhiali da sole

La storia della mia ossessione per gli occhiali da sole e tutti i paia che ho utilizzato finora.

Random ideas


Il tempo è denaro

Plain text Markdown email client

An email client to send and receive plaintext emails with Markdown syntax. Syntax is rendered on-device.


Flux de conscience sur ma vie à Grenoble pendant mon Erasmus.

Not a Beer

Le pub officiel de l’Erasmus 2022


Notes and thoughts on Pan administration

I am under the spell of show Capitalism

Le Parole di Sabrina

Parole che Sabrina ama usare o che continuamente critica

To Rome With Love


The art of reading no more than the first few pages of a work

Database Pubblica Amministrazione Trasparente

Idea di un’infrastruttura digitale che renda più semplice ed equo cercare e analizzare le spese e le entrate degli enti pubblici italiani, in particolare i comuni

Who said this?

Idea for a search engine optimized for quotes

Computer Sciences Are Social Sciences

Tommaso Marmo’s bachelor thesis for my Philosophy, International Studies, and Economics bachelor graduation.



Who Tommi is, what are the values that make him and the ones he stands for

I problemi di Scambi Festival

Un esercizio di umiltà e realismo per mettere in luce e ragionare sugli attriti di quel favoloso ingranaggio chiamato Scambi Festival

Tech is too complicated

Opinions, thoughts, notes showing the over-complication of technology

Erasmus à Grenoble

Un journal de ma vie, mes études et mes découvertes à Grenoble pendant le premier semestre de l’année 2022/2023

VeUMEU 2022

Random notes from VeUMEU 2022


Ideas about things it could help to automate.

Radical Chic

Quanto è bello essere radical chic?

Commencement Speech


Il Pensiero Laterale


The tool to read and write on Scambi Festival’s data archive


Exploring the idea of moving across different interests and fields without never sticking to one only — essentially, me.

Anxiety is a modern cliché

Ritornare a pensare al significato dell’intervista con Manuela Morielli e della sua canzone, un anno dopo

Se la vita che salvi è la tua

Estratti e pensieri da Se la vita che salvi è la tu di Fabio Geda

Aaron Swartz

One of the most interesting and fascinating people who inspire my fight for political technology.

Common Knowledge

Thoughts about the imporance of giving equal access to knowledge to all



About the awesome wonderful genius Musical by the awesome wonderful genius Jonathan Larson

Woody Allen

Chi è Woody Allen per me


Thinking about how to think


Sul riuscire a compartimentalizzare pensieri a seconda di situazioni e necessità


L’atto di ripensare da capo un concetto già conosciuto

La morte di Ivan Il’ič

Note ed estratti da un romanzo breve ma intenso, vero e geniale.


How I label everything I write and collect and according to what criteria.




Notes concerning happiness


Some notes about Piwigo, a great solution for hosting and storing images. I use it on

Scale app

Tutte le mie puntate su Radioimmaginaria

Un database incompleto (mancano gli ultimi anni, alcuni eventi alcune puntate in mezzo) di tutte le puntate di Radioimmaginaria a cui ho partecipato.I post di Facebook nei link non sono...


Domande, risposte e affermazioni fuori di testa.


Notes concerning decentralization under a technological and political perspective

House of Cards

When and How

A script will do

Thoughts about working with simple and specific scripts rather than dealing with complex and potentially bloated software.

Academic writing with Pandoc

My workflow for academic writing that I uses for my thesis, based on Pandoc, and using Markdown, Zotero, and Obsidian.

The power of decentralization md

My final essay for VIU’s Global Internet Governance course.


Concept of a social network in which the algorithm governing it is built and defined by its users as if it was a LEGO.

Leggere biografie

L’effetto ed il valore di godere della lettura di una biografia.

Pier Paolo Pasolini


Notes about moving out of GitHub and setting up a self-hosted Forgejo instance.


A concept for an IMDb/TMDb alternative, a fork of Bookwyrm made for movies."

Demystifying the Draft EU AI Act

Sexual consent

Some thoughts, reference and notes concerning sexual consent, harassment and the attributes of a violent intercourse.


Una raccolta di pensieri e riferimenti sparsi riguardo a quella cosa che muove tutto ma di cui nessunə capisce un belin


Jacala I

Il io attuale taccuino


A powerful knowledge management software, in early development

Thoughts representation

Reflections on ways of representing, noting ideas and effectively learn and remember concepts.


Notes, improvement ideas and thoughts on ReMarkable, the renowned e-paper tablet

The Morning Show


Admin notes and thoughts concerning Pixelfed, a nice federated photo sharing app.


A social network based on personal and historical events


Stambecco Cinetico

Un indovino mi disse

Riflessioni sull’omonimo libro del grande Tiziano Terzani


Hard links manager

Data loss


Too Much Information, an acronym which perfectly defines my tomminess


The tool I build this website with


Things I need help with


Webrings this website belongs to


La mia scrivania da me costruita con bancali riciclati

Xplosion Attic

La mia inimitabile soffitta da sogno, affacciata sul mare di Riva Ligure


La mia libreria, costruita con bancali riciclati

Brillo Parlante


Perché Signal

Perché Signal è così importante e perché preferirlo a WhatsApp è una scelta etica e non puramente da nerd


Swiss army knife for video and audio editing from command line

VeUMEU 2021

Random notes on VeUMEU issues of the 2021 edition


Info and nice stuff about OpenStreetMap


Cose per cui dovrei trovare un nome migliore

Politics ideas

Dull solutions or potential changes which pop up in my mind while I study Politics.


Insights concerning the great LaTeX language


What makes CSVs wonderful and how do I use them


Mastering git and noting insights to fully exploit its awesomeness


Resources about and for Python


Insights about JavaScript, a great tool but also a nightmare.

Cron Jobs

What Cron Jobs are, how to set them up, what are the ones I use

Switch to Linux

Insights, guides, notes and ideas about my ongoing attempt at fully switching to Linux.


Cheat sheet and useful information to use ExifTool


Pandoc infos and cheat sheet


Connecting visually to a remote device through SSH


Insights personal notes about the best text editor in the world


Finding an equilibrium between great design and maximum performance with minimal size.


Un’arte speciale. Qui raccolgo i modi in cui è stata descritta e i suggerimenti per affinarla


Collezionando biografie speciali


Relationship with technology

About the relationship between humans and technology

Universal HTML

Developing a Universal HTML structure for static websites

Permanent HTML

Building websites with an HTML structure which does not need to be changed when CSS changes

Web bloating

Notes about website bloating and thoughts about the need for a lighter, simpler web.

New York

I have never been to New York. Here I gather stuff for when I will

Web Typography

Notes on a great book on Web Typography by Richard Rutter."

Gli ultimi quindici minuti di The Newsroom

Emozoni a caldo dopo aver finito The Newsroom


Notes of my learning about and becoming aware of the concept of bipolarity.

Lost and found

Log of the stuff I lose and (hopefully) find


An audio recorder on steroids.

Conoscere il mondo dall’alto

Screen empathy

An app which allows voluntaries to share their screen and show what they do to the world

Ricostruzione della perdita di memoria virtuale

Frammenti ritrovati nella scatola nera del mio cervello, per ricostruire il sorprendente reset automatico compiuto dal mio telefono senza miei interventi il 15 febbraio 2021.


A science, an art. Insights, definitions, quotes, and ideas about Politics.

To translate

Writings I intend to translate

Being a self editor

I am a self editor, I am the editor of myself.

Referral links

All of the referral links and codes linked to me for various services


Bugs, feature request and notes about Cubbit, the decentralized storage system I love and use everyday

Il Cubo

Al Canton


Configuration of a Docker server

Quit IMDb

It is owned by Amazon, and it is destroying the profoundness and sacredness of cinema.


Experiments and attempts of moving away of proprietary photo editing software and embracing open formats.

Quit Netflix


Linuxplosion is my awesome workstation, which I assembled in 2019 to edit a short movie. Now, I use it for my heaviest computing tasks, such as video editing or image...


Indie Web

Connecting the web through independent websites

My name is on Mars

My name is engraved in a plate on NASA’s Perseverance rover which is on Mars


Cose sulla lettura


Insights about music when made, played, or listened

Jekyll sidenotes

A Jekyll plugin which implements sidenotes

The Picture of Dorian Gray


Conversion to RSS, everywhere. It is the right way


Appunti e risorse per giocare a Pathfinder/Dungeons & Dragons

Ode to plain text

Why I prefer using plain text and some insights about it

Santa Maradona

Collezione di disordinate idee da Santa Maradona, il mio film preferito.



Notes concerning storage management, viable solutions and systems testing

Quit Google

Stop depending on unethical Google services and start using healthier, often even better, alternatives

Wait to sign up

Desk logging

monthly pictures of my desk, wherever I am


Cos’è l’Hebertismo


An ideal software which collects data on what you do, analyzing and showing you a summary of time you spend

Reading is enough

Notes on Indistractable


Self debugging app

A script which poses you questions to debug you

Stop highlighting, start underlining

Switch to LineageOS

Removing the default operating system on my Android device and installing LineageOS.

Knowledge management

dealing with the hard task of managing personal knowledge, as well as effectively arranging and picturing it in the right structure

Missing Knowledge

Directions to lead my curiosity towards, a.k.a. what I have to learn

Esame di coscienza

Riflessione quotidiana sulla propria giornata. Ragioni, tecniche e idee.



Debugging the self as if it was a malfunctioning software.

Self improvement

Practices for improving the self, its connection to the surrounding environment and living life in the best possible way


Why it is important to switch to Signal, and all of the reasons why it is an ethical choice and not a merely technical one

Quit listing

Lists are everywhere, and they are taking over literature


Flickr to Piwigo

Thoughts and decisions about quitting Flickr and switching to Piwigo

Quit and switch

Quitting systems, software, bad habits is always hard and often painful. Nevertheless, if it is for the best, it is worth it. Below some of the things I am quitting....


A wonderfully clever way to manage knowledge and ideas as well as memories and lecture notes

Quit Spotify

Thoughts and decisions about quitting Spotify


Cool domains ideas, notes and tracking

Internet Awesomeness

Sources of awesomeness on the World Wide Web.

The Slot Philosophy

I get distracted very easily, an my mind goes from a topic to a totally different one in no time. While this can be a great quality to be creative...

Self tracking

Gaining knowledge and awareness of ourselves by collecting any sort of data which concern us

Keynote MDN Linux Day 2020

Appunti e risorse della presentazione di MDN Web Docs al Linux Day 2020.


Le cose che sto facendo



Even though I am not a serious photographer, I absolutely love this form of expression. Here, I collect tips and inspiration to understand it


Poesie incontrate vagabondando nel mondo delle parole

Mobile backup checklist

To keep the phone rolling smoothly, from time to time a classic data backup and factory reset are necessary, but it’s important not to forget what to save before hitting...

Notes on Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts

Il Titolone Superlungo

Appunti per il format più formattato della storia, ideato e realizzato a Giffoni Film Festival 2020, ma mai andato in onda


Delete an account

Walkthrough and refernece documentation for deleting an account or quitting an online service in the most effective way possible.

Around the world

Places I love around the world

In giro per il mondo

Luoghi che amo sul pianeta Terra


Stuff I need and things I just would love to have

Xplosion Music

Soundtracks of my life. The songs which marked my existence and made me who I am.

Shadow map

Internet Freedom

Insights and steps towards a greater digital awareness and freedom


I consider myself a Firefox power user: I love it and I try to take full advantage of its features. Here’s how I do it.

Aby Warburg

Una personalità incredibile dal genio inimitabile


Real and fictional characters who left a mark in me



Thoughts and notes about cinema

Quit Social Media Notes

Random messed up multilingual notes about


Some are from celebrities, some were pronounced by friends of mine and may have no meaning to the public, in realtà sono quasi tutte in italiano dunque non ha senso...


Gli oggetti da cui non mi separo mai. Quando li smarrisco o perdo la cognizione di dove sono in quel momento (spesso, addosso a me), entro in crisi.


Every geek worth to be called so has a custom launcher. This is the story of how I changed my preferred one for my first time, after several years.


A collection of colors I love and where I use them

Data Sources


Little insights about the design world


Notes about Typography

Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo

Note da un libro che ho letto perché va letto. Impareggiabile e necessario.

Cheat sheets

Useful digital shortcuts I always forget.


An eternally incomplete yet continuously growing collection of the sources of my knowledge


A unique, universal and simple method to share stuff


Le parole belle che incontro—che siano parole brutte ma con un bel significato, o parole che suonano favolosamente nonostante un brutto significato.


Information and insights concerning the configuration and maintenance of Tommi’s server

Server setup

A walktrough of the steps I executed to set up my server

Rise of the Runelords

Appunti sulla campagna Rise of the Runelords"

Missing digital tools

Ideas for any sort of software that I would find extremely useful but that to my knowledge does not exist, yet.

I put a lot of care and attention to details in this website (probably too much), thus I figured out it is worth sharing my decisions about implementations and features...


The study of studying, or


The art of training the mind to focus and commit to the present by gifting it with few minutes a day of complete nothingness

Titoli di coda

Titoli di coda indimenticabili.

A Rainy Day in New York

Pensieri sul film bello favoloso intenso di Woody Allen, ma in realtà pensieri sui film di Woody Allen in generale.


Il mio più amato taccuino, disperatamente smarrito

Digital Wellbeing implementations

I Ribelli siamo noi

Lingualunga - Storia del personaggio

Storia della Gilda degli Esplosivi

The Vignelli Canon

Notes on The Vignelli Canon


Uno dei miei taccuini

Proverbi africani

Proverbi dalla mostra “Africa. Immagini e voci”


La storia di Fredide, il mio primo taccuino.

Inventario da vendere

Lista di tutte le cose da vendere nella campagna di Rise of the Runelords

TBoom Pen

Storia e memorie della penna sempre nella mia tasca

🇬🇧 🔎