Meet the Cast of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Image 1 of 6.
Out in U.S. cinemas today, Harrison Ford is reprising his role in the latest Star Wars sequel as the beloved Han Solo. For Ford, the original Star Wars movies changed the way we make fiction onscreen. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“When that giant spaceship flew over your head, and it was preceded by that kind of old-fashioned title crawl,” says Ford. “And then the rumbling sound of that spaceship, you were in the movie for approximately 30 seconds before you knew you were in for something that you had not seen before and that was gut-level engaging.”
Marco Grob (@marcogrob) photographed Ford in Los Angeles, Calif. on Oct. 16, 2015. See the full story #starwars #theforceawakens