TC Exchange Administration

As of ThreatConnect version 7.2, you can use the ThreatConnect v3 API endpoints to upload and install Apps on TC Exchange™ and generate API and Service tokens in order to run Service Apps locally for testing purposes:

  • /v3/apps/exchange/install
  • /v3/token/api
  • /v3/token/svc



Your API user account must have a system role of Exchange Admin to use these API endpoints.

Upload and Install Apps on TC Exchange

To upload an App to TC Exchange and install it on your ThreatConnect instance, you must send a multipart/form-data request. Refer to the following table for the key-value pairs that may be included in the request.

Key NameDescriptionRequired?
allowAllOrgsSpecifies whether to grant all Organizations on the ThreatConnect instance access to the App after it is installed.

Accepted values:

- true
- false (default)
allowAppDistributionSpecifies whether to allow the App to be downloaded by App Catalog clients.

Accepted values:

- true
- false (default)
fileDataThe .tcx (App zip) file to be uploaded.Required

For example, the following request will upload the Vault.tcx file to TC Exchange and install the corresponding App with permissions to be used by all Organizations on the ThreatConnect instance:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Timestamp: $UNIX_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP' \
--header 'Authorization: TC $ACCESS_ID:$SIGNATURE' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'fileData=@"/Users/jsmith/Downloads/Vault.tcx"' \
--form 'allowAllOrgs="true"'
        "id": 500,
        "programName": "TCPB - Vault v1",
        "displayName": "Vault",
        "displayPath": null,
        "programVersion": "1.0.0",
        "parent": null



For more information about the values used for the Timestamp and Authorization headers, refer to Getting Started.

Generate API Tokens

API tokens may be used to run Service Apps locally for testing. Note that these tokens expire after 4 hours.

Send a request in the following format to generate an API token:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Timestamp: $UNIX_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP' \
--header 'Authorization: TC $ACCESS_ID:$SIGNATURE' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    "status": "Success",
    "data": "API:5:5Aca6d:1687297679443:BxTn+qxRV3p5YzYg+/oIKhbU2QuW2u6C8f06YaRd9Cg="

Generate Service Tokens

Service tokens may be used to run Service Apps locally for testing. To create a Service token, you must provide the ID of the Service to which the token will correspond. Note that these tokens expire after 4 hours.

Step 1: Obtain the Service ID

Run the following database command to obtain the ID of the desired Service:

select * from appcatalogitem where programname like '%TCVC%';

Step 2: Generate a Service Token for the Service

After you obtain the ID of the Service you want to test, send a request in the following format to generate a Service token:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Timestamp: $UNIX_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP' \
--header 'Authorization: TC $ACCESS_ID:$SIGNATURE' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "serviceId": 12345
    "status": "Success",
    "data": "SVC:5:savejX:1687291192791:da39a780af56bc0b4521e6cf75b09f1a:357:SJWhTy0R6LgUx0ZI7hDW16/bTL9uJq+lmH68VLMtIHE="

TC Exchange™ is a trademark of ThreatConnect, Inc.