A Brief Guide to the Syntopicon

When Hutchinson, Adler, and the team at Britannica undertook the work of compiling and publishing their 54 volume Great Books of the Western World (GBWW) set in 1952, they embarked on an ambitious and probably expensive undertaking to write the Syntopicon. Occupying volumes II and III of the commercially successful set of classic books, theContinue reading “A Brief Guide to the Syntopicon”

[Video] Montaigne’s Blueprint for Education

Who better to inquire about education than a famed 16th century nobleman who inscribed excerpts of wisdom on the wooden beams of his library? Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (often called simply “Montaigne”) authored the heavily influential Essays, an outpouring of his natural philosophies, and had much to say on education. Check out the video below.Continue reading “[Video] Montaigne’s Blueprint for Education”

3 Ways to Systematically Read the Great Books

Approaching the great books of the West (or East for that matter) is a daunting task, especially for those with little experience in the arts and sciences that regularly sample this vast body of works. While there are a variety of lists of great books – all of them instructive to peruse in themselves –Continue reading “3 Ways to Systematically Read the Great Books”

[Video] 5 EASY Books of Philosophy

The great books often appear daunting, especially for novice or younger readers. Many of the books are long, containing hundreds of pages or several volumes. Even experienced readers can be turned off from difficult topics like philosophy or theology. Therefore, it is helpful to highlight some of the “easier” classics that may lead one toContinue reading “[Video] 5 EASY Books of Philosophy”

Great Books of Christianity: The Modern Era 

The most challenging period in which to select the great books of Christianity is the modern era. The sheer volume of Christian literature produced in the last two centuries makes extracting out  “the best” a difficult task. Moreover, books written closer to the present have not yet been sorted by the harshest critic of all:Continue reading “Great Books of Christianity: The Modern Era “

Great Books of Christianity: Reformation and Enlightenment

In our third installment of the Great Books of Christianity, we explore the works hailing from one of the most tumultuous times in Christian history: the Reformation. As new forms of Christianity spread throughout the West, theologians on all sides sharpened their pens and duked it out on parchment. The theological battles that raged foreverContinue reading “Great Books of Christianity: Reformation and Enlightenment”

TW on Youtube: Christianity and the Overlooked Good Guys of Middle Earth

In this part 2 of our series on Christianity in the Lord of the Rings, I cover the often overlooked good guys of Middle Earth and the sprinkle of Christianity that Tolkien wrote into them. Galadriel, the Elves, Sam Gamgee, and Boromir all have Biblical or archetypal roles they fill. If you missed part 1,Continue reading “TW on Youtube: Christianity and the Overlooked Good Guys of Middle Earth”

Great Books of Christianity: The Early Church

Perhaps no other topic has been written about in the West more than Christianity. In the past 2,000 years, tomes on the faith have been written by kings, monks, prophets, and laymen alike. One might conclude that no other faith has inspired, and been inspired by, great literature quite like Christianity. Therefore, in our nextContinue reading “Great Books of Christianity: The Early Church”

TW on YouTube: Christianity in The Lord of the Rings (part 1: The Threefold Office)

Despite numerous attempts to discredit the Christian elements in the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien himself admits his greatest work is indeed a Christian, even a Catholic, work. Here, I revisit an old video topic and cover the priest, prophet, and king elements in the figures of Frodo, Gandalf, and Aragorn. More videos on otherContinue reading “TW on YouTube: Christianity in The Lord of the Rings (part 1: The Threefold Office)”

TW on YouTube: 3 Reasons You Should Own Physical Books in the Digital Age

In our most recent Youtube video, we break down why, in an age of online censorship, you should consider owning physical literature as opposed to using digital readers like Kindle.   Our aim has always been to spark interest in the classics and challenge our readers to delve into these works by whatever method suitsContinue reading “TW on YouTube: 3 Reasons You Should Own Physical Books in the Digital Age”