A cultural studies scholar says Netflix’s removal of their ‘Palestinian Stories’ section, along with about 20 films, is more than a simple business decision: it’s instead an act of cultural erasure.
The ‘bible’ of Latin America, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s funny, tragic, sensual and political novel opened the door to new ways of writing and has sold more than 45 million copies.
My critiques of Mary centre around two themes. One is the way it perpetuates conservative ideals around women and gender. The other is its misrepresentations of Jews and Judaism.
A new Netflix biopic has resurfaced arguments over whether Jesus, a Jewish man, was Palestinian. Was he? Or are these claims cultural and political appropriation? A historian of religion explains.
The federal government has quietly shelved plans to introduce local requirements for Australian screen content on streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+.
Behind the expertly folded linens and immaculate tables lies something more – and a new Netflix documentary promises insights into Martha Stewart’s extraordinary life.
Netflix’s productions on the Menendez brothers reveal the moral problem at the heart of true crime: whose definition of “true” should viewers rely on when assessing the veracity of a narrative?
The new show, centred on power struggles in Australia’s Top End, joins a spate of successful Australian commissions released by the streamer this year.
Rabbis married to non-Jews exist within Humanist, Reform, Jewish Renewal and Reconstructionist Jewish movements, although not within Conservative and Orthodox streams.
The series tries to tackle the twisted case of the Menéndez brothers who murdered their parents, but it ends up turning a family tragedy into a cheap spectacle.