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Indiana University

Founded in 1820, Indiana University is one of the world’s foremost public institutions. With more than 112,000 students and 19,000 employees statewide, IU continues to pursue its core missions of education and research while building a foundation for the university’s enduring strengths in teaching and learning, world-class scholarship, innovation, creative activity, community engagement and academic freedom. Bloomington is the flagship campus of the university, and each one of IU’s seven campuses is an accredited, four-year degree-granting institution.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 714 articles

Dois mosquitos se acasalando em uma folha: na técnica do ‘macho tóxico’, insetos machos geneticamente modificados implantam sêmen contendo veneno nos insetos fêmeas durante o acasalamento, levando a sua morte precoce. Madugrero/Wikimedia Commons

Tornar sexo mortal para os insetos pode ajudar a controlar pragas

Os mosquitos causam cerca de um milhão de mortes por ano. Por isso, os cientistas estão desenvolvendo técnicas de engenharia genética que podem reduzir seu número.
Sean Combs lors d'un événement à Atlanta en août 2023. Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Affaire P.Diddy : le silence complice lors des violences sexuelles en débat

Il n’est pas rare que des personnes soient témoins de violences sexuelles et ne cherchent pas à intervenir. Pourquoi cette inaction ? Illustration avec le procès contre Sean Combs, aussi appelé Puff Daddy, Puffy ou Diddy,
Sean Combs attends an event in Atlanta in August 2023. Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ case raises questions about the many observers who might have ignored his alleged crimes

It is common for people to observe sexual exploitation and not try to intervene or stop it from happening. It’s useful to first understand why people do nothing.
Walt Whitman volunteered at Army hospitals in Washington, D.C., during the U.S. Civil War. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Compassion amid chaos − how one of America’s greatest poets became a lifeline for wounded soldiers

Lacking formal training in medicine or nursing, Walt Whitman nonetheless realized ‘the simple matter of personal presence, and emanating ordinary cheer and magnetism’ could go a long way.
Amendment 80 asks Colorado voters to add school choice to the state’s constitution, but it’s already protected by state law and federal courts. Mananya Kaewthawee/iStock via Getty Images

Colorado’s Amendment 80 wants to make school choice ‘a right’ when it already is – an expert in educational policy explains the disconnect

Amendment 80 could set up a court challenge that may open up the use of public funding for private schools.
Islamic finance allows Muslim families to purchase homes on interest-free mortgages. faidzzainal/E+ collections via Getty images

What are halal mortgages?

Access to halal mortgages, which provide interest-free housing loans, has been growing in the US.


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