Apollo Victoria Theatre
Not to be confused with the ‘Apollo Shaftsbury’ or ‘Hammersmith Apollo’ both of which are also in London.
Past productions
- Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz
- Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz
- Movin’ Out
- Saturday Night Fever
- Bombay Dreams
- Starlight Express
- Fiddler on the Roof, Duncan C Weldon with Paul Gregg & Lionel Becker for Triumph Apollo Productions
- Camelot
- Camelot
- The Sound of Music
- The Freddie Starr Extravaganza
- 17 Wilton Road, London, SW1V 1LG
- Seats 2,208.
- Official website
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