Colophon & Acknowledgements
“This is the best of me; for the rest, I ate, and drank, and slept, loved and hated, like another; my life was as the vapour, and is not; but this I saw and knew: this, if anything of mine, is worth your memory.”— Sesame and Lilies, John Ruskin
Theatricalia was built on a Mac Mini, with vim and Django. It is valid HTML and CSS, usable, accessible, and full of the joy I have had from going to the theatre.
A note about the type — headings are (if you have them) in Zapfino, body in Optima.
Whilst I have written this site myself, thanks must go to a number of people – Abi Broom for testing (what must seem like to her) every design decision; Denise Wilton for inspiration, assistance, and the nicest compliment on first viewing of “it’s great – and very un-you in style, actually!”; Georgina Hardy, Toby Hester, Naomi Green, Susie Riddell and anyone else I bored with my idea or data model at choir; and Deborah Kerr (no, not that one) for the name and much more. Thanks to Mythic Beasts for support with hosting.