Brewhouse Theatre
Past productions
- Travels with My Aunt, Creative Cow and Malvern Theatres
- Come On, Jeeves, Ian Dickens Productions
- Dial ‘M’ for Murder, Middle Ground Theatre Company
- Trap for a Lonely Man, Ian Dickens Productions
- Rope, Ian Dickens Productions
- The Miser, Oxford Stage Company
- The Snow Queen, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- True West, Shared Experience
- A Doll’s House, Oxford Stage Company
- Our Lady, Women’s Theatre Group
- Whodunnit?, Gallery Productions
- Romantic Comedy, Gallery Productions
- My Fat Friend, DGM Theatre Productions
- Jamaica Inn, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- Deadlock, Lyceum Productions Ltd
- The Song of Tristan, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- Comic Cuts, Frisby and Kemp Ltd
- Good Morning Bill!, Ashcroft Theatre
- Antony and Cleopatra, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- The Threepenny Opera, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- The Beggar’s Opera, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- Educating Rita, Oxford Playhouse Company
- Babylon Has Fallen, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- Relatively Speaking, Oxford Playhouse Company
- Lorna Doone, Orchard Theatre Company, Barnstaple, Devon
- Lloyd George Knew My Father
- I Am Who I Am, Cambridge Theatre Company
- The Seagull, Jackal Productions
- The Secretary Bird, David Kirk Productions
- Dr Angelus, Malcolm Knight Productions
- Taunton
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