The Alexandrian

Revelation List - Eternal Lies: Severn Valley (Blank)


If you click the image above, you will see the entire scenario structure for the Severn Valley scenario I designed for the Alexandrian Remix of the Eternal Lies campaign. If you do not wish to be spoiled on this scenario, DO NOT CLICK THE IMAGE. Its specific content is not essential for understanding the rest of this essay, and this essay contains no other spoilers for the Severn Valley scenario or the Eternal Lies campaign.

But I did want to show an example of an actual scenario structure that’s been used in actual play, and not just some deliberately over-the-top example.

What this image is specifically showing is a visual representation of the node structure of the Severn Valley scenario. If you’ve read Node-Based Scenario Design, you may recall that the essay features a number of explanatory diagrams that look like this:

This has, for better or worse, created the misapprehension that I design scenarios using this visual motif. This is, almost without exception, not the case. (I do occasionally, during the outline stage for certain scenarios, sketch out a high-level organization to clarify the location of funnels.) And the primary reason I don’t bother with visual node diagramming is, in fact, overloaded diagrams like the one at the top of this post: That’s the structure of what I would consider a medium-complexity scenario, and the visual diagram for it is just noise… I can’t really process any meaningful data out of it and I’m the one who wrote it.

So how do I organize these scenarios?

Text-based revelation lists.

I discuss revelation lists in the Three Clue Rule: For each conclusion that you want the PCs to make, list the clues you’re including in the scenario for it. This functions as a checklist which allows you to track their progress and (importantly!) a diagnostic tool during actual play to make sure they’re on track.

In my scenarios, they look like this:


– The Duke’s Map (Scenario Hook)
– Encountering Mutilated Corpses (Adventure 3:The Old Forest)
– Reports of Mutilated Corpses (Adventure 2 – Scene 4)


– Tracking Drow Scouts (Proactive 1: Drow Scouts / Scene 1)
– Map to the Black Tree (Scene 3: The Drow Camp)
– Elven Retaliation Scrolls (Proactive 2: Elven Retaliation Squad)


– Tracking Drow Scouts (Proactive 1: Drow Scouts)
– Elven Retaliation Scrolls (Proactive 2: Elven Retaliation Squad)
– Map of the Old Forest (Scene 4: Drow Citadel)
– Questioning Prisoners (Scene 2: The Black Tree)


– Questioning Prisoners (Scene 2: The Black Tree)
– Subverting the Crystal Ball (Scene 3: The Drow Camp)
– Following the Slave Train (Scene 3: The Drow Camp)


There’s basically two ways to organize lists like this: You can list all the clues a node contains or you can list all the clues that point to the node. For the sake of clearer discussion, I’m going to refer to the latter as a revelation list (like the sample above) and to the former as a clue list.

I’ll often use a clue list when outlining or developing a scenario. After coming up with the “big concept” for a scenario, my design process generally consists of writing down cool ideas for various nodes. Then I’ll think about what kind of information a node might naturally contain to point at the other nodes. For example, I might jot down:


– Questioning Prisoners (to the Drow Citadel)
– Questioning Prisoners (to the Drow Camp)
– Drow Scouts might show up here (track to Scene 1 or Scene 3)

Once I’ve done that for all the nodes, I’ll do a quick audit for each node to make sure I’ve included three clues. If I haven’t, I’ll get proactive figuring out how I can creatively include more clues. As I actually write up the full version of each node, however, I’ll assemble the revelation list: Each clue I include in the full write-up gets listed in the revelation list under the node it’s pointing to (with a cross-reference back to where it’s found).

This allows me to double-check my design process to make sure I’ve got all the clues I need. But it’s also important because, when it comes time to actually run the scenario, it’s the revelation list that’s essential. (I’ll have long since thrown out the clue list.)

(1) I generally don’t care if the PCs have missed the clues in their current location, but I do care intensely about whether or not they’ve missed all the clues that would enable them to find a particular node. That’s what I need to track during actual game play, and it’s also the information that’s more difficult to glean on-the-fly without a properly organized list because…

(2) The information about which clues exist in a given node is already encoded in the text. The clues are listed in the description of the node, right? Because that’s where they are.

In terms of grokking how a particular scenario “works”, though, the revelation list can feel confusing if you’re not familiar with it. For some people, it’s simply more intuitive to look at the list of clues a node contains and then follow where they lead. (This is, after all, how the PCs will conceptually work their way through the scenario.) This is one reason why, when developing the design standard for Infinity scenarios of this type, I included the requirement for both a Revelation List and an Operational Summary (which would explain the sort of “guiding principle” of how the scenario was supposed to function in play).

You don’t necessarily need the Operational Summary, though. You can get the same basic effect from a revelation list: You just need to work backwards.

Look at a node and ask, “How would the PCs get there?” In other words, follow one of the clues on the revelation list back to its source node. Then repeat the process there.

For example, how would the PCs get to the Drow Citadel in the scenario above? Well, let’s pick a random clue: Following the Slave Train from Scene 3: The Drow Camp. So we look at Scene 3 and pick a random node there: Tracking Drow Scouts from their proactive scene. Since that’s a proactive scene, it’s essentially a scenario origin point. It’s the trail head, so to speak, and from the trail we’ve followed we can see that “tracking bad guys through the Old Forest” is one approach to the scenario.

Do it again: You can also get to the Drow Citadel by questioning prisoners from Scene 2: The Black Tree. You can get to the Black Tree by talking to (or stealing intelligence from) the Elven retaliation squads operating in the area. So here we have a path that follows a trail of demihuman misery.

Do this two or three times (or more for more complex scenarios) and you’ll get a pretty good feel for the contours of the scenario structure.

12 Responses to “Random GM Tip – Using Revelation Lists”

  1. Magean says:

    Very interesting post, it complements nicely your series on node-based scenario design. You should put that in Gamemastery 101, it definitely helps when you’re new to structured node-based design.

  2. Xercies says:

    When I have a mystery scenario I have a resolution list, but I don’t have prescribed clues anymore. This came from a game where I had both resolutions and prescribed clues, and players being players they did not do what I expected. I had to come up with the clues pretty much at the table, but knowing where those clues lead was very helpful. So I actually think just doing it this way is probably fine.

  3. Alonzo says:

    How come this is not under Gamemastery 101? Possibly much more useful than all the node-based structure design, and I become crazy looking for it every time I need to re-read it again!

    Btw, great work!

  4. Justin Alexander says:

    Indexing oversight! Thanks for the head’s up, Alonzo! I’ve added a link to the GMing 101 page!

  5. Ryan Dehnel says:

    Hi Justin, I’m in the middle of incorporating your node based design for my scenarios, and am wondering a bit about your oganisation when it comes to the revation lists. Do you have a ‘master’ list for all revelations relevent to a scenario, or do you put them in your node design, or do you have a ‘master’ ‘master’ where all your Revelations for all scenarios are listed. Am trying to think of the best way so as to easily update the revation lists during a session.

  6. Justin Alexander says:

    I tend to think of the design fractally: In a node-based campaign there’s probably a revelation list for the meta-scenarios & for modeling the relationship between all the individual scenarios. And then individual scenarios have their own revelation lists.

    Breaking things up into clear conceptual chunks like this is how you, as the GM, can keep on top of incredibly complicated campaigns. You only have to think about one chunk (plus the meta-scenario stuff) at a time.

    When appropriate, I may drop “active” revelation lists into my campaign status document. But usually I just mark up the primary list in the prep notes.

    Most of the time, my campaign notes live in a binder. The first section contains all the campaign-wide/meta-scenario stuff. Then each additional section is an individual scenario or chunk.

    You can see an at-large example of this in practice with the Eternal Lies Remix.

  7. Rickard says:

    Is this similar to the fish tank, that use ER diagrams to visualize clue tracks? I also prepare key scenes that works as base to reveal the clues (visualized in form of relations).

  8. 1.5a Revelation Lists – says:

    […] Revelation lists are a technique created by Justin Alexander. You can read all about them in his article Using Revelation Lists. […]

  9. Vendas0811 says:

    Hey Justing, thank you very much for this amazing article! I was wondering, how do you structure this when there is an underlying mystery to be solved (like in call of cthulhu escenarios). For example, the players are send to investigate a murder all the clues point to a murderer as the logical conclusion, but the true is that some evil force commited the crime. Is it just another node/revelation?

  10. colin r says:

    Vendas0811@9: Here’s an example. Does that help?

  11. faeb says:

    Hey, I’m having some trouble understanding. When you have “Scene 1”, “Scene 2”, etc. listed, are these the conclusions you want your players to make? or are the Scenes clues that lead towards some Conclusion? or is each Scene the end node of a funnel and the three bullet points are the middle layer of nodes?

    I’m basically having trouble mapping the phrase “For each conclusion that you want the PCs to make, list the clues you’re including in the scenario for it” onto the Scene listings. Which parts are the clues, which parts are the revelations, and which parts are the conclusions? thank you, would really love to understand this but my brain is small

  12. Rowdyjason says:

    Hi Justin,

    First of all, damn right Gold Ennie. I assume WotC is actively chasing you with big bags of gold to replace Chris Perkins? If they aren’t, they should change their recruiter (and you should still say “no” by they way!).

    Now for my questions. Your layered node design treatise is a fascinating and insightful analysis of story structure. While all models make sense from an analytical point of view, I notice I have trouble translating layered design into a clues and revelations list. While the visual representation of moving from one layer to the next feels very logical, I struggle with how allocating scenes to layers, and consequently to sprinkle the various leads across nodes to reflect transitioning from one to the next.

    Do you actually consciously decide what scene goes into which layer? And if so, once you have done that, how do you go about allocating leads to different nodes to reflect this transitioning from one layer to the next? Or, as I think is the case, do you go about this instinctively, using your text-based revelations list?

    I have read and re-read your basic and advanced treatise on this, and will keep doing so, because I everytime I do I seem top pick up some new nugget of useful wisdow. However, this keeps bugging me. Hope you are willing to share a thought or two on this. Thanks!

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