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Terraria Wiki


Why do we have animated flashing versions of these? They do not do this in game by default. They simply turn on and off when receiving an input from a wire or mouse click. ReedemtheD3ad (talk) 17:48, 28 October 2017 (UTC)

How long do timers activate for?[]

Hello Techfolk, 

It is presently presented as (wait, is that an oxymoron or am I ;) ) but really, how long does each timer activate for? Does a 1/4 second timer activate for a 1/4 of a second, 1/2 sec, 1 sec, etc... I think the "Notes" could be up dated to express such. So far I have it as 1 second on and 1 off or 5 seconds on and 5 seconds off so it's all the same. When I choose a 5 second timer in A position & a 1/4 second timer in B position it seems much the same. Any factual contributions would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance, Motozappa

Motozappa (talk) 02:48, 4 February 2021 (UTC)
Hi, I'm not sure if I understood your question right, but if you're referring to the first bullet points in the Notes section ("If a timer A activates another timer B with the same duration, B will trigger before A (thereby deactivating A before it can trigger again)."), then each of the two timers is active for three times their period and inactive for one period. For instance, with two 1 Second Timers:
Seconds 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Timer A on on off on on on off on on
Timer B off on on on off on on on off
There is no use in setting up different types of timers this way. The shorter one will simply always send a signal at its regular interval since the longer one will not active long enough to send a signal itself.
--Rye Greenwood (talk) 15:16, 4 February 2021 (UTC)

Hi Rye, My question was how long is each timer on and off for. It seems as though they sustain and pause for exactly as they are named, e.g. a 1 second timer is open/on for 1 second and then closed/off for 1 second which follows suit for the other timers as well. When combined in twos or an A/B sequence they do vary but are somewhat predictable.

I'm trying to use lava raining from above to be part of my combat against the Frost Moon. My first stage dumps in the center where all enemies head toward me. My 2nd phase is more blanketed for the varied positioning of the Frost Queen, however I was initially dropping lava too quickly. I've tested all 5 timers in sets of 3 as A-B-C connected to actuators. They can repeat themselves like 5-5-1/2 or 1/4-1/4-1/4 which with all combos is equivalent to 5 factorial or rather 120 combinations. I tested them all and have posted my results in the form of photos below & a link to a Google Docs spreadsheet link. The results vary greatly from 42 seconds as the fastest drop time and 1 minute 5 seconds as the slowest.

  1. REDIRECT Here's the spreadsheet link at Google Docs https://drive.google.com/file/d/14SBYZJhjANAlMYcLULyXa2DnbbAaZeEW/view?usp=sharing

The sprite graph is much appreciated! I hadn't seen that 1 before.

Peace, Over & Out, Dan

Motozappa (talk) 06:06, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

I forgot to upload the photos I dropped: