「不法国家」の大韓民国:弾劾裁判を行う憲法裁判所までもが。-不正選挙。左派の判事グループ「我が法(ウリ法)研究会」が繋ぐ、大韓民国の三権と「大衆のメディア」が結託した「左派四権カルテル」。/Republic of Korea that is "lawless state". :Even as for the constitutional court performing impeachment trial. - Rigged election. "The left four powers cartel" that "media of public" conspired with the Korean three branches of government which a judge group of left "our law workshop" connected.
- 2025/03/08
- 18:30

嘘つき、虚言癖の犯罪者、李在明「共に民主党」代表:大韓民国 -「民主党」とはイルミナティの看板。名前で判断すると、騙される。左派リベラルは、悔い改めるべき。/”Liar” Lee Jae-myung who is the leader of the Democratic Party of left of Republic of Korea is just criminal. - "Democratic Party" is signboard of Illuminati. You are deceived if judge by "name". Left liberal should repent yourself.
- 2025/03/06
- 07:20

益々上昇してゆく尹錫悦大統領の支持率-弾劾裁判での勝利のカギ、大韓民国/Approval rating of President Yoon Suk Yeol in Republic of Korea rises more and more. - Key for victory at impeachment trial.
- 2025/03/05
- 07:30

正義・公正・真実・真心で潔白の尹錫悦大統領-大韓民国/President Yoon Suk Yeol who is justice, fairness, truth, and true heart is purity. - Republic of Korea.
- 2025/03/04
- 07:19

大韓民国の不正選挙- 尹錫悦大統領の弾劾裁判で提示された証拠。左派「共に民主党」による「立法独裁」の原因。/Rigged election in Republic of Korea. - The evidences that was shown in impeachment trial about President Yoon Suk Yeol. Cause of "the legislation autocracy" by the Democratic Party of left.
- 2025/02/22
- 19:05

大韓民国版「ADL」に反抗して「石々が叫ぶ」:左派リベラルの最大野党「共に民主党」による言論弾圧。-親日発言のタブー。ドイツに似る正しい歴史認識への厳罰。東京裁判で法にのみ基づいたラダ・ビノード・パール判事「日本は無罪」。イエス・キリストの処刑で「一罰百戒」を謀ったユダヤ人の失敗。/"Stones cry out" against ADL of Republic of Korea version.:Speech oppression by the largest opposition party "Democratic Party" of the left liberal. - Taboo of pro-Japanese remark. Severe punishment to right history recognition like Germany. Judicial Radhabinod Pal "Japanese innocence" that was based only on law at Tokyo trial. Jewish failure that plotted "punishing a crime to make an example for others" by execution of Jesus Christ.
- 2025/02/20
- 06:23

恥知らずの「共に民主党」:「情治国家」の大韓民国は「不法行為」に寛容。-不文律の「国民情緒法」が存在する「古代国家」は法治国家に非ず。「儒教」から未だ抜け出せぬ韓国。「不法の人」であるサタンのイルミナティの傀儡「共に民主党」。韓国版バイデンの李在明・民主党代表。日本にも「空気」という不文律が存在する。/Shameless "Democratic Party.":Republic of Korea that is "state of emotional rule" is tolerant of "illegal act." - "The ancient nation" where there is "the Law of nation Emotion" of unwritten law is not constitutional state. Korea which cannot yet steal out of "Confucianism." "Democratic Party" that is puppet of Satanic illuminati who is "lawless one." Lee Jae-myung who is the leader of the Democratic Party is Joe Biden of Korea version. Japan has unwritten law called "the Air", too.
- 2025/02/14
- 10:13

大韓民国:法を遵守するクリスチャンの尹錫悦大統領「憲法体系や秩序、制度が、全て聖書の御言葉から出ている」-隣人を愛しイエス・キリストの愛と真理を実践。にも関わらず、尹大統領は何故「無宗教」と公言しているのか?/Republic of Korea:President Yoon Suk Yeol who is Christian observing law, "Constitution system and order, institution are arising all from the words of the Bible." - He loves neighbors and practices Jesus Christ's love and truth. Nevertheless, why does President Yoon profess himself "irreligion?"
- 2025/02/03
- 17:20

大韓民国の左派リベラル最大野党「共に民主党」の李在明代表こそ犯罪者。-前科4犯、8件の刑事事件と12の容疑、5件の裁判、周囲で7人の不審死。弾劾連発は自身の防弾とクーデターの為。偽物のクリスチャンはサタンの「不法者」イルミナティに従う。/Lee Jae-myung who is the leader of the Democratic Party of left of Republic of Korea is just criminal. - 4 criminal record, 8 criminal case and 12 suspicion, 5 trial, suspicious death of 7 people in the neighborhood. Consecutive fire of impeachments is because of his own bulletproof and coup d'etat. Christians of imitation follow Illuminati who are "the lawless one" of the Satan.
- 2025/01/26
- 19:30

祈りの力:大韓民国の尹錫悦大統領の支持率が50%突破。-「共に民主党」の不法行為の「逆効果」によって益々上昇。非常戒厳宣布によって保守的に覚醒した若者達。保守系与党「国民の力」が革新系野党「共に民主党」を逆転。/Power of prayer.:Approval rating of President Yoon Suk Yeol in Republic of Korea had broken through 50%. - It is risen more and more by "opposite effect" of wrongful conduct by the Democratic Party that is largest opposition party of left. Youths who awoke conservatively by martial law. Conservative ruling party reversed progressive opposition party.
- 2025/01/25
- 15:53

「ハレルヤ!」「尹錫悦大統領、私たち国民が守る!」-神を愛する私たち保守系のクリスチャンは、創造主イエス・キリストの内に在って、無駄にはならずに益とされる。大韓民国の左派だけではなく右派の中にも、未だ歴史認識が糺されていない方々が居るのは残念。/"Hallelujah!" "President Yoon Suk Yeol, we nation protects!" - We conservative Christians who love God are not in vain in the Lord, and are made for good. It is regret that history recognitions are not still made sure of the fact in Republic of Korea's left wing as well as right wing.
- 2025/01/11
- 17:58

「山は動く」:大韓民国の尹錫悦大統領の支持率が30ポイント上昇の奇跡的なV字回復! -私たち保守系右派のクリスチャンが神様に委ねて祈る事によって、応えて下さる。/"Mountain moves.":Approval rating of President Yoon Suk Yeol in Republic of Korea is the miraculous V-shaped recovery of the rise in 30 points! - God is kind enough to respond prayer by conservative Christian faith in God.
- 2025/01/09
- 17:50

- 2025/01/01
- 14:35

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- 18:03

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- 2024/11/16
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