10+ Smart-Working Enterprise IT Work Rules

Do you wonder what the work principles in IT (information technology) are like in an enterprise? As a young IT professional in a large enterprise, there were rules I had to learn in order not to go out of line — it was 2011, the first time I ever stepped into the world of IT support, where I learned the essentials from my supervisor and mentor who always told me not to work hard but work smart. This is a list of IT work ethic reminders I crafted for myself thanks to him, hoping it would be inspiring to everyone, working in the tech industry or not. Image courtesy of Justin Baeder Most of the time, IT support is a standby job — it may be peaceful but we should get prepared for the worst to come anytime. Underpromise and overdeliver . We should leave buffer time when asked to provide with an estimated time required to fulfill a request. (If done early, users or requesters would be more satisfied.) We would not be much different from workers in the industrial age if we d...