The Renter Credit is a refundable tax credit available to eligible Vermont residents who rented during the prior calendar year. Renters may be eligible even if they are not required to file a tax return.
Eligibility Requirements
You must meet the following eligibility requirements to file a Renter Credit Claim:
You were domiciled in Vermont for the entire calendar year
You were not claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer
You rented in Vermont at least six months, although the six months do not need to be consecutive
You meet the income eligibility limits based on your family size
What You Will Need to File
Your School Property Account Number (SPAN)
Form RCC-146, Renter Credit Claim
SPAN Finder
Enter an address in the search bar to find the School Property Account Number (SPAN) of a property. Open the SPAN finder in a new window.
How to File
If eligible, you can file a claim along with your Vermont income tax return or separately. You may file a Renter Credit Claim even if you are not required to file an income tax return because your income is below the filing requirement. No claims for the prior tax year are accepted after the October extended due date.
The Renter Credit Claim can be filed electronically through your tax software or directly in myVTax.
How to Videos
Paper Returns
To file a paper claim, download a copy of form RCC-146, Renter Credit Claim, or you may request paper forms be mailed to you.
Mail the completed form to:
Vermont Department of Taxes
P.O. Box 1881
Montpelier, VT 05601-1645
For questions about filing a renter credit claim, contact us at [email protected] or call (802) 828-2865 or (866) 828-2865.