So recently I've been thinking about the quality of certain stories in Doctor Who, and it made me think, what are the best and worst stories of every Doctor? These are my opinions, but feel free to have different picks in the comments. This time we'll do the first three Doctors, then in the next post I'll do 4 - 7.
Best - I'm going with The Daleks' Master Plan. This really feels like what the three Dalek stories before this have been building to - an epic battle with the Daleks with the universe at stake. The death toll is crazy in this one - Bret Vyon, Katarina and Sara Kingdom all die, as do many others, either at the hands of the Daleks or external forces. It is awesome, epic and a billion other things as well. It probably shouldn't be a twelve-parter and it probably shouldn't have a Christmas episode slapped down in the middle of it, but I am so glad it does, because we are never getting anything like this ever again.
Worst - The Web Planet. The first and last episodes are alright, but everything in-between is almost to the point of unwatchable. There's only so much you can sit through of people in bee costumes shouting 'ZARBI! ZARBI!'. It gets really annoying, really fast. Moving swiftly on.
Best - This one was hard as there's quite a good amount of content in this era. I restrained myself from picking The War Games and decided to go right to other end of his era for The Power of the Daleks.
We have a new Doctor. And what better way to introduce him than pitting him against the Daleks? I think when it comes to the Daleks, David Whitaker wrote them the best. Because they are just superb in both this and Evil. Easily the best parts of both of those stories. 'Why do human beings kill other human beings?' is such a great line.
Worst - Troughton also his fair share of bad stories, and The Space Pirates is one. Boring and dull. The idea for this was apparently a 'wild western in space'. Apparently, just looking at Milo Clancey, they took that literally. If I can say a positive thing I really like Caven's line 'Anyone else want to die like a hero?' which I believe is the cliffhanger to Episode 4. But when I'm picking out random pieces of dialogue, you know it's bad.
Best - Terror of the Autons. The Master, UNIT, Jo, Autons, what more do you want? It has many iconic scenes such as the introduction of the Master, the Autons handing out daffodils, the policeman turning out to be an Auton and my personal favourite....death by plastic chair. What a fun ride from start to finish.
Worst - Pertwee has a strong era, and the only story I can really call bad is Colony in Space. More focus should've been put on the Master and the Doomsday weapon, rather than this dull run-around between miners and colonists. Basically, this story's two plots should've been swapped in terms of focus. The 'I don't want to rule the universe' scene is brilliant and should be talked about in terms of standout moments for Pertwee more often.
And that's all for now! Comment below on what you think the best and worst stories for Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee are!