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Tailscale automatically assigns IP addresses for every unique device in your network, giving each device an IP address no matter where it is located. We further improved on this with MagicDNS, which automatically registers a human-readable, easy-to-remember DNS name for each device —  so you don’t need to use an IP address to access your devices. This means you can access the device monitoring, even if it moves from on-prem to the cloud, without ever needing to know its IP address in the first place.\n

MagicDNS is such a useful feature that it’s been frustrating for us that not all Tailscale users know about it. We’re surprised that we often get suggestions like, “It would be great if Tailscale could just run a small DNS server for me” — when it already does! So we’re particularly excited to share that as of today, MagicDNS is generally available, and it’s enabled by default for new tailnets! (Already a Tailscale user, but not using MagicDNS yet? Click “Enable MagicDNS” in the DNS page of the admin console to get going.)\n\n \n \n\n

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With MagicDNS enabled, you can access a device with human-readable DNS name.\n \n\n\n

If you’re already using MagicDNS, your tailnet has been automatically assigned a new tailnet name of the form tail<hex>, in addition to the existing name <domain> If you’re sharing nodes with the beta name, we ask you to migrate to the new tailnet name. The existing beta name will be supported until at least November 1, 2023.\n

MagicDNS automatically creates a DNS entry for your device name\n

“All” MagicDNS does is automatically register a DNS name for every device in your network. With MagicDNS enabled, every device in your tailnet runs its own DNS server, built into the Tailscale client. Then, when you add a new device to your tailnet or modify ACLs, the set of devices the new device can access (known as a netmap) is pushed to your device from the Tailscale coordination server, including registering DNS entries for other devices you can access. If you try to access http://monitoring on your device, it will first check your built-in Tailscale DNS server to see if it’s an address specified by Tailscale. If it is, it will forward the traffic to that device; if it’s not, it will pass the request on to your other DNS servers. This works wherever you’re using the device’s IP address, including in your browser or on the command line. Keeping all of these DNS entries on the device is also great for security and privacy, as unencrypted DNS queries don’t leave your device.\n

Your device is automatically registered in MagicDNS based on the device name — for example, alices-macbook-pro. If you change your device’s name, the MagicDNS entry will automatically change. If you have a specific machine name you’d like to use to reference your device, then edit the device’s name in Tailscale, or if you’re scripting servers for easy access, use tailscale up and pass in the --hostname flag.\n

To learn more about how MagicDNS works, see our blog post covering just this.\n

Fixing a long tail of DNS bugs\n

We’ve been working heads-down on MagicDNS for several months now. To get to the point where we could call MagicDNS generally available, we had to fix a lot of bugs. (It basically became a rite of passage for new Tailscalars to fix a MagicDNS bug before they could move on to other projects.) We’ve implemented these fixes and improvements in the last several client releases:\n



Charlotte Brandhorst-SatzkornCharlotte Brandhorst-Satzkorn
Maisem AliMaisem Ali

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