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One of Tailscale’s features is called MagicDNS. Its main visible\nfeature is that it lets you access all the nodes on your tailnet by\ntheir names instead of the Tailscale IPs.\n

That may not sound particularly new; after all, DNS maps names to\nnumbers. Systems like\nmDNS even do it\nautomatically. What is interesting about MagicDNS is how it can do so\nsecurely, without name lookup information leaving your device, and how\nit can upgrade the security of non-Tailscale DNS queries.\n

The current state of DNS security\n

But first, why are we concerned about DNS security at all? What does\nthat even mean? Why would it be insecure?\n

It all dates back to the early days of the Internet (back when it was\ncapitalized) when people largely trusted each other, or at least\ndidn’t know better to not trust each other. Maybe they were more\nfocused on getting computers talking at all rather than worrying about\nsecurity.\n

In any case, early DNS was not encrypted or authenticated. Anybody on\nyour network or along its path could see your DNS queries or modify\ntheir responses. You might think today’s internet has since fixed all\nthat insecurity and DNS is secure now. And you would be wrong. Change\ntakes time, especially when it comes to changing big moving Rube\nGoldberg machines like the internet.\n

But there’s been progress.\n

A reductive history of DNS through the ages, so you don’t need to read\na few dozen RFCs:\n