Tails is merging with the Tor Project

We have merged with the Tor Project. However, until further notice, all donations made to Tails will be earmarked for activities involving Tails.

You may hear from fundraising staff from Tails or the Tor Project as we make the transition. We are excited about this merger and the opportunity to put more resources towards the development of Tails!

Thank you for supporting us through this process.

Tails – самая надёжная защита

At Tails, we build a liberating operating system that puts people in control of their digital lives.

In 2023, Tails touched the lives of approximately 25 000 individuals daily, and will surpass a staggering 10 million uses. Over the years, Tails has become an invaluable ally for those on the front lines of truth-seeking and progressive political advocacy:

  • Investigative journalists have used Tails to securely unearth corruption and wrongdoing, without fear of reprisal. For example, journalists from PODER and Serendipia used Tails to investigate the systematic espionage of feminists and LGBTQIA+ groups by the Mexican army.

  • Activists have used Tails to organize and communicate with each other, even in repressive regimes. For example, reproductive rights activists in Brazil have used Tails to protect their work and personal data from intrusive law enforcement and boyfriends alike.

  • Whistleblowers have used Tails to expose wrongdoing without compromising their identities or endangering their sources. For example, Edward Snowden and his collaborators used Tails to expose the massive global surveillance programs orchestrated by the NSA and the Five Eyes intelligence alliance.

Tails is nonprofit, and runs on a relatively small budget. We have punched above our weight thanks to your support, and we continue to need your support every year.

By donating to Tails, you can help us to continue developing and improving Tails, and to make it more accessible to people who need it most.

Мы особенно ценим ежемесячные и ежегодные пожертвования, даже небольшие. Они обеспечивают стабильность Tails. (Требуется аккаунт PayPal).

Мы используем email из формы PayPal.

Ваше пожертвование будет полностью перечислено проекту Tails. Обработкой платежа занимается команда Riseup Labs, некоммерческая организация, зарегистрированная в США со статусом 501(c)(3).
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Если вам в связи с пожертвованием нужен чек, свяжитесь с нами
[email protected].

Регулярное пожертвование

Мы особенно ценим ежемесячные и ежегодные пожертвования, даже небольшие. Они обеспечивают стабильность Tails. (Требуется аккаунт PayPal).

Разовое пожертвование

Не требует аккаунта PayPal.

Ваше пожертвование будет полностью перечислено проекту Tails. Обработкой платежа занимается команда Riseup Labs, некоммерческая организация, зарегистрированная в США со статусом 501(c)(3).
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

If you need a donation receipt, contact us at [email protected].

Become a sponsor

From 2025, all donations of more than $5 000 will be listed on our sponsorship page.

Get in touch with us to be featured as a Tails sponsor.

Другие способы пожертвовать








Прочие криптовалюты

Supporting more cryptocurrencies implies more work for us: learning how they work, installing the software in a secure place, monitoring their value and trading them, etc.

Для оптимизации ресурсов мы работаем с теми криптовалютами, которые более популярны и проще в поддержке.

Until now, cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero represent less than 1% of our donations in cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately, we had to stop accepting Ethereum. We want to see other cryptocurrencies gain real popularity before spending more time on them.

Cash and US checks

Можно отправить нам наличные или чеки США по почте:

Riseup Labs
PO Box 3027
Lacey, WA 98509

Пожалуйста, не забудьте упомянуть, что это пожертвование для Tails.

Чек должен быть оформлен на Riseup Labs.

Банковский перевод

These instructions also work with Wise.

Владелец счёта: Center for Cultivation of Technology gGmbH
IBAN: DE65 4306 0967 4111 9411 01
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Адрес банка: Christstrasse 9, 44789, Bochum, Germany

Please make sure to mention this purpose of transfer.

Назначение перевода: TAILS-R43NGFR9

Ваше пожертвование будет полностью перечислено проекту Tails. Обработкой платежа занимается команда Center for the Cultivation of Technology (CCT), некоммерческая организация из Германии.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Корпоративное софинансирование пожертвований

Ищите Riseup Labs и жертвуйте Tails via Riseup Labs.

If you cannot specify that your donation to Riseup Labs is for Tails, please let us know so we can attribute your donation to Tails specifically. Liberate (aka Riseup Labs) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the USA.

Как связаться

Если у вас есть вопрос или проблема, связанная с вашим пожертвованием, наша команда по фандрайзингу будет рада помочь:

[email protected] (ключ OpenPGP)