Syncthing logo
The Syncthing Foundation stands for peace and with Ukraine! Read about what we're doing.


Developing Syncthing costs money, in domain and hosting fees for the various servers we need to run the operation such as discovery servers, build servers and this website. Your donations help fund these costs. We also periodically award grants for the development of specific features, which is paid for by these donations.

Click to donate securely using any major credit or debit card. We also accept donations via GitHub Sponsors and Liberapay.

You can manage or cancel your existing recurring donation by visiting the subscription portal and logging in with your email address.

If you experience any issues with the donation handling, regret your donation and want a refund, or want to cancel a recurring donation please feel free to contact [email protected] at any time.

If you’d like to become a corporate sponsor of the project and be featured here we’re happy to discuss that too!
