One of the first results in any introduction to number theory is Fermat’s Little Theorem, so called in contrast to the Last Theorem, or indeed to any of Fermat’s other results.
Theorem 1 (Fermat’s Little Theorem). Let
be a prime number and let
be any integer. Then
In this post — aimed at students taking an introductory course in number theory — I want to explain the two proofs that I find to be the simplest. Neither is deep, but the second requires a tiny bit of group theory, whereas the first does not.
1. First proof: by binomial coefficients
We shall take as given that the binomial coefficients , for
are natural numbers. We also take as given the Binomial Theorem:
Fix a prime number .
Lemma 2. For
, the binomial coefficient
is divisible by
Proof: Since is an integer,
. Since
is prime, and
, it follows that
are coprime. By Euclid's Lemma,
. Therefore
is an integer.
Lemma 3. For integers
we have
Proof: Apply the Binomial Theorem and Lemma 1.
It’s now a simple matter to give the first proof of Fermat’s Little Theorem.
Proof: Let be a prime number, and let
be the set of integers satisfying the conclusion of the theorem. If
is odd, then
. Otherwise, if
. Thus
. Lemma 3 shows that
is closed under addition. Therefore
2. Second proof: by Lagrange’s Theorem
The second strategy is reasonably simple. I think of it as the proof ‘by Lagrange’s Theorem’, but that is perhaps unfair since its use of Bézout’s Lemma is just as key.
Let . Then there exist
such that
The proof goes by showing that the set
of -linear combinations of
, is also the set of integer multiples of the greatest common divisor
Let be a finite group, and let
be a subgroup. Then
The proof of Lagrange’s Theorem is a straightforward counting proof. One shows that each coset of has the same order, and that the cosets partition
Okay! Using these two ingredients, we get the second proof of Fermat’s Little Theorem.
Proof: Let be a prime number. It is a consequence of Bézout’s Lemma that
forms a group under multiplication modulo
. Moreover it is a group of order
. Thus, for each
, we have
Now let . If
is divisible by
, then certainly
. Otherwise, there exists
such that
. Then
, as required.
To be perfectly honest, I find this second proof less satisfactory than the first. Relying on Bézout seems reasonable enough (we are interested in integer arithmetic after all), but relying on Lagrange is a bit silly. Lagrange’s Theorem is a statement about all finite groups, which is just far too strong for what we need.
However you get there, Fermat’s Little Theorem is an important result of elementary number theory.