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💙We can finally announce our new arrival! 💙 Me and baby are doing well, labour went pretty smoothly definitely not as I had planned but the most amazing experience of my life. I loved every minute of it, I couldn't of done any of it without the love and support of my best friend and team mate, plus both of our mums. Having them both there for us made the whole experience all the more special and memorable, with plenty of laughs and a few tears we all welcomed our little miracle into the world after a long night at 3:38am on the 28th September. He weighed 7lb 5oz and is an absolute dream 🥰 💙💚 Jasper George Thomas Prince 💚💙 #wedidit #newmummy #newest #teammate #newborn #tinyfeet #daddysontime #tinybaby #babyboy #worththewait #greatestadventure #firstweek #bestjobever #firsttimemum #newarrival #iloveyou #babybear #motherslove #happyplace

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For licensing or usage, contact [email protected] . . After the reaction I've had to this video of me and my son feeding with the support and protection of Sol, the female orangutan in Schonbrünn Zoo, Vienna. I have decided to use this opportunity to try to make a difference. 🧡 🌏 The post and video have reached over 5million people in countries across the globe. This made me think that if I'd managed to raise just $1 per view or share I'd of raised over $5million dollars to help support and protect these animals the way Sol protected me whilst I fed my little boy. 🌏 🧡 I've contacted an orangutan rescue, rehabilitation and release programme in Borneo and I am currently awaiting a response to see how to go about raising funds to help them with their project. . I feel that during my life time the only choices I've had are captivity or extinction… neither of which I like so I'm hoping that now I've been given a platform such as this I can make a difference for my little boy and others of his generation. To hopefully put a stop to the destruction of the forests and the sheer horror of poaching so that the next generations choices include the freedom of these majestic animals. 💕 . . #spirituallybonded #breastfeeding #boobiebaby #orangutans #🧡 #schönbrunnzoo #vienna #austria #breastfeedinginpublic #viralhog #mumandbaby #ourjourney #specialmoments #bestdayever #letsdosomegood #makeachange #giveback #freedomforall #rescue #rehabilitation #release #raisingawareness #endextinction #changetheworld

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Disclaimer: This content is exclusively managed by Mercury Press. To license or use in a commercial player please contact [email protected] or call +44 (0)151 709 6707 . . Today I got feeding support from the most unlikely of places, the most surreal moment of my life that had me in tears. I visited schoenbrunn zoo in vienna whilst on a mini break with my partner and son, we nipped in to see the orangutans at the end of our day who were happily playing in the enclosure so I went to the window for a closer look and sat down by the window so my lb could see the orangutan who was roughly 5/6ft away. She then got up, carried a piece of cloth to the window and sat down with me. She looked directly into my eyes then placed her hand up as if to touch my son I was in awe of this beautiful creature already. My son wanted feeding and as it was quiet I fed him whilst I sat there, the way the orangutan reacted took my breath away she kept looking at me, then my son then back again. She sat with me for approximately half an hour, kept stroking the glass and lay down next to me as if to support and protect me. I had to share this because my mind was blown, we may be a species apart but breastfeeding connected us today in a once in a lifetime moment that will stay with me forever. I'm also incredibly lucky that my partner caught all of this on video 💕 . . #breastfeedingawareness #nature #orangutans #naturalinstincts #breastfeeding #together #support #mummylife #onceinalifetime #surreal #inawe #vienna #austria #zoo #conservation #specialmoments #viral #normalisebreastfeeding #schönbrunnzoo #breathtaking #travel #tripofalifetime #nothingelselikeit #breastfeedinginpublic #ourjourney

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