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It's Like a Survivor Economy is the second episode of Survivor: Winners at War.


One castaway is out for blood after realizing an ally was sent to the Edge of Extinction.

—Episode Synopsis[2]

Day 4[]

S40 amber t
Waking up this morning was a little bit surreal- realizing I'm not back at the other camp anymore. But if there was no Edge of Extinction, I'd probably be super depressed. I did not come all the way out here and leave four kids behind to be out of the game this early on. But I'm not done. There's still a possibility for me to get back in. There's still a possibility for me to possibly help my husband, who is still in the game. So I got to keep my head there. The game is still going for me.
S40 rob t
I just got a Fire Token. I have a lot of thoughts going through my head, but the most obvious is: they took my wife out of the game first. Just the thought of Amber being on the Edge of Extinction, it kills me. It was really, really, really hard for us to leave the kids. I know that that's weighing on her. So, if she was taken out first, that makes it even harder.
S40 rob t
I do have other friends over there. It could have been Sandra. We just spent the entire season of 39 together. But I don't know if I can trust Sandra. And if she voted my wife out, this is war.
S40 ben t
The last time I played, it was all about winning immunity and finding idols. But this time, I want to work on my relationships. 'Cause going through life alone sucks. Going through Survivor alone sucks even worse, right? To win this game a second time, I need to work on my social game, and teaching people how to find idols is a good way to do that.
S40 denise t
Holy crab cakes! I just found an idol. I've never been so giddy. And without Ben, I would not have found this idol.
S40 denise t
We open it up and it's two. So now I have to figure out who I want to give the other half to. It has no power without giving the other half away. I thought Ben might try and convince me to give it to him, but he didn't, and that makes me feel like he's somebody I can trust. From minute one, I've been with Adam. He is incredibly smart, like, he knows this game. So, maybe we can find some allies to pull in with us.
S40 adam t
The good news is: Denise has found the Hidden Immunity Idol. The bad news is: Ben knows. That sucks, because Ben is a wild card.
S40 adam t
What do you mean you want to give it to Parv? One of the best players that has ever played this game. Are you serious?!
S40 adam t
Luckily, I'm able to convince Denise that it makes way more sense to give me the other half of the idol. I mean, this is huge for me. But the idea of playing this game with Ben makes me a little nervous.

S40 yul t
I've been trying to get some breadfruit for the last few days, and, unfortunately, it has not been going very well. But I'm determined not to give up, even though I'm probably losing a lot more calories than I hope to gain from this. I got this big bamboo stick and I tied a rope around it. So, hopefully, it will act as kind of like a wire coat hanger I can try to loop in and pull it down.
S40 kim t
So far this season, it's been a really different experience for me. I am not used to playing on the bottom. It's a weird feeling, but I also know this is not the end of the game and that there is an upward trajectory for me if I can figure out where to get my footing. I'm just treading carefully. I don't want to put the target on my back, but I feel like the idol would be a really important thing for me to have. It is funny, the more you're on the bottom, the more you have to try to claw your way to the top, and the more you do that, the more you're putting a target on your back; therefore, you're more on the bottom. I have to be careful and I just wait for a moment of peace, then listen to the voice that tells you when to go right, when to go left-- that's what I do when I'm idol hunting. And I just try to get a vibe for, like, which tree to go to. It's how I found mine the first season. It's a prayer of sorts, you know? Like, if this is meant to be, then send me an idol.
S40 kim t
When I found it, it was such a surreal moment. I definitely don't want to be caught with it. Two people walked up-- Tony and Nick. Two people I completely don't trust. I think they thought I was looking for an idol, but I don't think that they thought I had found it. It's not your typical Immunity Idol. I have to give part of it to someone else. I've always felt Sophie and I would work well together. And I go with the people that I have a good feeling about. And I think Sophie's in a really good spot in the tribe right now.
S40 sophie t
I was in shock. Kim should be telling Tyson about her idol. I am the last person Kim should be telling about her idol. I see Kim as somebody who's super aware. She's, like, the most socially adept person out here. I think the problem for Kim is, like, everybody knows that's what let her win the last season. So I think even if she is, like, the nicest Texan in the world, everybody's gonna see that as a threat. So she shouldn't be telling the devil who has never worked with her yet in this game about an idol. If I were Kim, I'd be worried that by telling me about the idol, she could be next on the chopping block.

Day 5[]

S40 natalie t
Immediately, I'm pretending like I have no idea what it can be. In my head, I knew that's gonna lead us to something that we have to barter with to get our tokens. You know, basically sell it across the seas to a person that can find value in it in exchange for something that has value to me. So, it's like a Survivor economy. We're bartering back and forth.
S40 amber t
The clue definitely wasn't an obvious clue. It's gonna take some mind work, reading it over again and again and again until we can figure out what all the different things are referring to.
S40 natalie t
There are so many random places it could be, and since the note wasn't specific, we ended up basically scouring the entire island.
S40 amber t
Back when I played, you know, 20 years ago, 16 years ago, there weren't any hidden idols or anything like this. So, this is all new to me.
S40 natalie t
We made that long trek all the way up to the rice bucket, looked in the rice bucket, around the rice bucket.
S40 amber t
We were completely lost. Either we're reading the clue all wrong, or maybe there's not something out there today. Maybe it's something that is gonna happen tomorrow, and, today there's just a sign there to get our brains thinking.
S40 natalie t
I'm happy that we were proactive. I do feel bad that we wasted so much energy. But, you know, at the end of the day, it's about not forgetting why we're here. It is easy to just kind of relax sometimes, take a nap on the beach, but that's not what we're here for. So even though that does feel nice, we should keep our eyes open. The one thing that I hadn't checked was the freaking water.
S40 natalie t
This is an amazing advantage. Obviously, I just have to sell this to somebody that I know might have at least one token left. So, since I have no information, this is kind of like a blind sale. I'm doing it just based on the probability of who has more tokens. So, hopefully, tomorrow morning, I have something else in my bag.

S40 jeremy t
This is huge for my game. Last Tribal, I was left out of the vote. So now I feel like I'm on the bottom. These Fire Tokens, they're really more valuable than people think. They think, "Oh, you get four tokens and you buy a tarp." No, you can have one token and buy immunity. They don't even get it. They don't even know it yet. This is the biggest season ever. It's a war, and I lost the first battle. But this Fire Token economy could change everything.

S40 tony t
Taking on projects is fun. It keeps my mind occupied. 'Cause if I don't occupy my mind, I'm gonna start doing crazy things, like searching for idols in front of everybody and just get myself in trouble. So I say, "You know what? Let me just build a ladder." We'll climb up and simply pick the papayas off the tree, simply walk down the ladder, simply go to camp, chop it up and simply eat it. Simple as that.
S40 wendell t
This ladder, it's got to be like, 20 feet tall and 150 pounds.
S40 sophie t
I don't even want to call it a ladder. It is two pieces of bamboo with other pieces of bamboo tied with flimsy twine.
S40 tyson t
He's surely joking. I know we signed waivers before we came out here, but I don't know if there was a ladder clause in the contract.
S40 sophie t
At some point, you imagine him to laugh and walk away. Tony never laughed and he never walked away. It's kind of like, you know, playing a game with a kid, where you just imagine it's all make-believe, and then you realize, at some point, that, for them, it's not make-believe.
S40 tyson t
How is this guy still alive? He does not give two cares. That's the guy that's enforcing the law at home. Now I'm questioning my read on him. Maybe he's not joking. Maybe he really believes that he is a structural engineer.
S40 sarah t
I've known Tony for six years. I love the guy. And I knew people would, too, if they just got to know him. But we don't want to seem like we're too much of a pair, so we're trying to keep our distance from each other.
S40 tony t
The first time, in Cagayan, it didn't work out so well for Sarah. It worked out great for me, the Cops-R-Us alliance, which just included me, because, um, Sarah was voted off. But this time around, I'm gonna make it up to her if she gives me that trust.
S40 sarah t
The last time Cops-R-Us happened, the other half of Cops-R-Us voted this half of Cops-R-Us out of the game. I didn't know how Tony operates. It was like we were brand-new partners out on the street. Now I know my partner. And as long as nobody knows about Cops-R-Us, Cops-R-Us can work.

Day 6[]

S40 parvati t
If you break it down to old versus new, we're outnumbered by newer players here. So I want to make sure there's no strong, new-school faction that's growing that I'm on the outside of. So one of the them's gots to go.

S40 rob t
Today was not my best day. First, I find out they send my wife to Extinction Island. And then in the challenge, I blew it. I take full responsibility, but for whatever reason, I'm not too worried about it. I feel secure in the relationships that I'm building out here. So, for me, the question is which of these new-school guys is going home? It could be Jeremy. At this point, he's on the bottom. On the other hand, Ben is a little bit of a wild card. He wants to seem harmless, but Ben is dangerous. And I don't trust him, so he might have to go.
S40 danni t
It's been 14 years since I've played, and the game has changed a lot. And I'm trying to adapt to that right now, but I feel like I've been left out. And now I'm not even sure about my old-school alliance. I feel like it's me going home tonight. It's not hard to pick up on that when people are walking off and talking and nobody's including you on anything. Even Parvati, who I thought I was very close to.
S40 ethan t
Oh, my God. We had a plan at the very beginning. It was kind of an old-school thing. Obviously, we need to keep it on the DL, but Danni, right in front of Ben, comes out with it. You know, I don't really know what's going on with Danni. I think she feels like she's on the outside, and now she's telling Ben all of our secrets.
S40 ben t
I knew it. There is old-school/new-school thing happening right now. That's a fact, Jack, and I'm totally, 100% concerned. These old-schoolers, they're gonna cling on to each other, and I don't want to be bamboozled by these guys. And so being able to get them out now is my main objective.
S40 rob t
In the beginning of this game, even though she threw my name out there, I was completely willing to forgive that. But then Danni came up with the plan to vote out Parvati. I mean, Danni, Parvati is my number one.
S40 adam t
This is incredible news for me. The old-schoolers are turning on each other, and it started with Danni throwing Parv under the bus. Honestly, if I had my choice, it would be Parv. Parvati is a massive threat in this game, but she is super tight with Boston Rob. And Boston Rob is the godfather, and going against the godfather is really dangerous.
S40 parvati t
Danni and I, the first day that we hit the beach, we were talking. We were connecting. But now she's coming after me. So, it's weird.
S40 jeremy t
This is a miracle. The biggest name out there right now is Danni, and as long as it's not me, I'm good with that. But Rob's controlling the tribe-- him and Parv, and I don't like watching other people control the game. I like to be the one to pull the trigger on these blindsides.
S40 adam t
We can pull this off. I know where the idol is, and so I know that Parvati doesn't have it, and so we can just vote her out of the game. But it's all about choosing when to take these risks because it could backfire. But I know that I will never win this game if I don't take those risks.

S40 danni t
I've never been voted out. To have my torch snuffed was not a feeling that I wanted to experience, but I still have life in this game, and I'm holding on to that.


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Draggin' the Dragon
Tribes must push a cart through an obstacle course. Throughout the course, there are three towers from which tribes must retrieve a key to unlock a chest. Once they have collected all three chests, they must then take the cart apart, slide it through a barricade, put it back together, and make their way to the end. Two tribe members would then use the pieces inside the chest to assemble a giant dragon puzzle. The first tribe to solve their puzzle wins.
Reward: A spice kit
Winner: Dakal

Edge of Extinction[]

Edge of Extinction Inhabitants
S40 amber tS40 natalie t
Amber, Natalie

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 3:
S40 danni t
Danni (8 votes)
S40 adam tS40 ben tS40 denise tS40 ethan t
S40 jeremy tS40 michele tS40 parvati tS40 rob t
Adam, Ben, Denise, Ethan, Jeremy, Michele, Parvati, Rob
S40 parvati t
Parvati (1 vote)
S40 danni t
S40 danni t
Danni Boatwright
(sent to Edge of Extinction)

Voting Confessionals[]

Parvati's vote was not shown during her confessional.

S40 parvati t
(voting against Danni) I hope this is the right risk to take.

Still in the Running[]

On Edge
S40 natalie t
On Edge
S40 amber t
On Edge
S40 danni t
S40 adam t
S40 ben t
S40 denise t
S40 ethan t
S40 jeremy t
S40 kim t
S40 michele t
S40 nick t
S40 parvati t
S40 rob t
S40 sandra t
S40 sarah t
S40 sophie t
S40 tony t
S40 tyson t
S40 wendell t
S40 yul t


Secret Scenes[]

  • "A New Perspective on Life" (Day 4)
  • "Tony's Ladder" (Day 5)
  • "Amber and the Parrot Fish" (Day 6)
  • "Sele Gets Treemail" (Day 6)
  • "Dakal Enjoys Their Reward" (Day 6)
  • "Parvati Coaches Ethan" (Day 6)

Behind the Scenes[]



Survivor: Winners at War Episodes
"Greatest of the Greats" · "It's Like a Survivor Economy" · "Out for Blood" · "I Like Revenge" · "The Buddy System on Steroids" · "Quick on the Draw" · "We're in the Majors" · "This Is Where the Battle Begins" · "War Is Not Pretty" · "The Full Circle" · "This Is Extortion" · "Friendly Fire" · "The Penultimate Step of the War" · "It All Boils Down to This"