Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
Zabbix 5.0.14
PostgreSQL 12.5
Sprint 82 (Nov 2021)
1928:20211005:045440.479 housekeeper [deleted 0 hist/trends, 0 items/triggers, 18029 events, 169 problems, 0 sessions, 0 alarms, 0 audit, 0 records in 44895.761061 sec, idle for 1 hour(s)]
It took over 12 hours for the housekeeper to delete 18,029 records of events and 169 records of problems.
I checked the "sow query" and found that it took over 12 hours to delete events.
1928:20211004:211956.063 slow query: 17611.322038 sec, "delete from events where (eventid ...
1928:20211005:002622.993 slow query: 11186.895792 sec, "delete from events where (eventid ...
1928:20211005:015255.291 slow query: 5192.229874 sec, "delete from events where (eventid ...
1928:20211005:045438.434 slow query: 10900.706001 sec, "delete from events where (eventid ...
I checked the "EXPLAIN ANALYZE" and it seems that c_alerts_6 is taking a long time to execute.
Exist c_alerts_6
zabbix_db=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE delete from events where eventid=7755800; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete on events (cost=0.43..5.45 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=1.130..1.131 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index Scan using events_pkey on events (cost=0.43..5.45 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=1.098..1.100 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (eventid = 7755800) Planning Time: 0.069 ms Trigger for constraint c_alerts_2 on events: time=1.002 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_alerts_5 on events: time=0.083 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_acknowledges_2 on events: time=0.934 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_tag_1 on events: time=1.630 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_problem_1 on events: time=0.075 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_problem_2 on events: time=0.038 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_1 on events: time=0.844 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_2 on events: time=0.425 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_3 on events: time=0.055 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_suppress_1 on events: time=0.063 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_alerts_6 on acknowledges: time=8467.500 calls=1 <-- here Execution Time: 8473.814 ms (16 行)
Not exist c_alerts_6
zabbix_db=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE delete from events where eventid=8331312; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete on events (cost=0.43..5.45 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=0.085..0.086 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index Scan using events_pkey on events (cost=0.43..5.45 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=0.028..0.029 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (eventid = 8331312) Planning Time: 0.093 ms Trigger for constraint c_alerts_2: time=0.043 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_alerts_5: time=0.016 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_acknowledges_2: time=0.024 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_tag_1: time=0.018 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_problem_1: time=0.016 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_problem_2: time=0.014 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_1: time=0.018 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_2: time=0.091 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_recovery_3: time=0.017 calls=1 Trigger for constraint c_event_suppress_1: time=0.021 calls=1 Execution Time: 0.392 ms (15 行)
The acknowledgeid of c_alerts_6 is not indexed.
ALTER TABLE `alerts` ADD CONSTRAINT `c_alerts_6` FOREIGN KEY (`acknowledgeid`) REFERENCES `acknowledges` (`acknowledgeid`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
zabbix=> \d alerts; Table "public.alerts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ---------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------- alertid | bigint | | not null | actionid | bigint | | not null | eventid | bigint | | not null | userid | bigint | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 mediatypeid | bigint | | | sendto | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying subject | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying message | text | | not null | ''::text status | integer | | not null | 0 retries | integer | | not null | 0 error | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying esc_step | integer | | not null | 0 alerttype | integer | | not null | 0 p_eventid | bigint | | | acknowledgeid | bigint | | | parameters | text | | not null | '{}'::text Indexes: "alerts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (alertid) "alerts_1" btree (actionid) "alerts_2" btree (clock) "alerts_3" btree (eventid) "alerts_4" btree (status) "alerts_5" btree (mediatypeid) "alerts_6" btree (userid) "alerts_7" btree (p_eventid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_alerts_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_2" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_4" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_5" FOREIGN KEY (p_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_6" FOREIGN KEY (acknowledgeid) REFERENCES acknowledges(acknowledgeid) ON DELETE CASCADE